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How to increase the recruitment effect 3-6 times? Back to announcement list>>

2023-08-17 Browsed: 402 times
Position Benefits of topping

After the top position is set, the position ranking is always high, and the average number of resumes received is 3-6 times The rise of

Why do we need to top the position?

For enterprises, position After being released for a period of time, the ranking will continue to be covered by newly released positions, leading to a decline in the ranking. After the final position ranking reaches many pages, the job seeker can't see your position at all or has found a job after seeing it. Even if your position has high salary, good benefits, no good ranking and sufficient exposure, the recruitment effect will be greatly reduced. After the opening position is at the top, your position ranking is always at the top, and the first person looking for a job is you.

The same is true for resumes. A large number of job seekers release their resumes every day, and your resume will be kept sinking. Without a good ranking and full exposure, the effect of your resume will also be affected. Open the resume to the top, so that your resume will always rank high, so that business owners can see you.

Our advantages

According to, the average number of resumes received by top positions is 3-6 times that of ordinary positions. The position ranking is always at the top and continuously exposed. The exclusive "top" logo makes more people pay attention to you. According to the actual situation, set the conditions such as the category and region of the ceiling, promote accurately, and save enterprise expenses.


How to use?

1. Where to top the position?

Log in to the enterprise account, enter the recruitment management system, find [Position Management] in the navigation bar, select the corresponding position, and click the position top button on the right to make the corresponding top setting for the position being published.

2. How many days can a suitable candidate be found in general?

Generally speaking, the number of resumes obtained after the top position is set is 3-6 times more than that without the top position, so the probability of obtaining suitable candidates is greatly increased, and the specific time depends on the position.

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