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Charging standard Current location: Shanghai Talent Website >Charging standard

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customer service one 182-2140-6898

Customer service II: 173-4979-6406

Customer service III: 133-8260-7968

working hours:

9: 00-17:00 Monday to Friday

contact customer service Get quotation: WeChat: xshrcw

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 WeChat screenshot _20230728141053.png


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[Enterprise bank remittance account number]

 Bank of China

Bank of deposit: Bank of China Shanghai Branch Business Department

Bank account: 437768271435
Account name: Shanghai Linglian Human Resources Co., Ltd
Unified social credit code: 91310120324430349H


Deposit bank: Alipay
Name of payment: Shanghai Linglian Human Resources Co., Ltd
Payment account:

Note: Please send the screenshot to the business after remittance WeChat: yaoceyao Indicate the name of your company, type of opening member, remittance time, amount and contact information of your company.


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Copyright C 2015-2024 All Rights Reserved Shanghai Linglian Human Resources Co., Ltd HUICPB No. 15007885-1 thirty-one trillion and eleven billion seven hundred and two million eight thousand nine hundred and thirty-nine

Address: No. 15, Lane 199, Yefan Road, Yexie Town, Songjiang District, Shanghai 277278279280 EMAIL: Statistics

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