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  • Easy to parse: 鬦鬦鬦鬦鬦鬦鬦 - Video parsing succeeded - Time: 2024-06-16 21:38:30
  • Yesterday I went out with my roommate and saw a couple, the man carrying the woman. I said to my roommate, "What can women do when they come down for a walk? Men are so stupid. I don't know how to save energy for the evening."
  • My colleague gave me a piece of chocolate. After taking it home, my son and little nephew were mumbling about how to divide it. The son said, "Why don't we have one bite each?" The little nephew said, "My mouth is small, but your mouth is big, which is unfair." The son said, "Then cut it with a knife." The little nephew said, "Brother, you can't cut it evenly." The son said, "What should we do?" The little nephew smiled, "I have a good idea." The son asked, "Turn chocolate into water, and drink a small cup each person?" The little nephew said, "No, there will be a lot of chocolate left in the cup. Let's throw the chocolate on the floor and step on it. Anyone who doesn't feel dirty will eat it."
  • A boy on the bus had a nosebleed, and his girlfriend was in a hurry to find a paper eraser. "Oh, please don't move your face..." The man glared at her angrily and said, "Who did it?" The girl was unhappy: "What do you mean? I said you can't eat spicy food without accompanying me..." The boy continued to stare at her: "You always shake in front of me, so I will be bloody!"
  • I saw a boy smoking on the road, and asked the boy, "Little friend, does your father know that you smoke?" The boy did not look up and replied, "Do your husband know that you are talking to a strange man on the way?"
  • The time for the national wage increase has been set - August 2016! Because 2016 is the Year of the Monkey, according to the Chinese zodiac, July in the lunar calendar is the month of the horse, while August in the solar calendar. It is said that wage increases will wait until the end of the year. Therefore, the specific date is August 2016!
  • Little granddaughter: "Grandma, why are the rabbit's eyes red?" Grandma: "Because it loves carrots. Little granddaughter:" But our rabbit is feeding cabbage. Grandma: "Because you don't give it carrots, it's crying red eyes..."
  • Please remember the permanent website xs0574.cn