
Wife, although I can't say love, I'm not allowed to die before me.

have a heart as malicious as snakes and scorpions

I ended it with a peek.

be thrown away and swept clean

The dragon jumps at the gate of heaven, and the tiger lies in the phoenix pavilion.

heart startling and gallbladder trembling -- be deeply

The height of the fountain will not exceed its source; The same is true of a person's career. His achievements will never exceed his beliefs.

an endless stream of words

I won't make excuses for your leaving, just like I thought you wouldn't leave

be overjoyed

I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't sleep. I thought of the unfinished story when I just graduated, and I thought of C2M


After three years of love, he never gave her a promise, either explicitly or implicitly, for several times, and he just smiled without saying anything. This year, on the train home, she remembered to call me when she said she would arrive because her home was lost several stops in front of his house. Then she went to sleep for a few hours and he woke her up: Here we are. She looked out of the window and saw strange scenery. Don't overdo it. He smiled indulgently: My mother asked me to take you home. Commitment is in silence.

a slim chance of survival

The first time I met you, my heart exploded into fireworks, and it took my whole life to clean the ashes.

Tolerable hyacinth

With the unfinished business in February, we can run in March. Even if the road is muddy, we will reap the brilliant harvest everywhere.

Hiding in the abyss

Make an arrangement card. The elder brothers and sisters sing very well!

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The end of the evil god Chu Yuechan (analysis of the characters of the evil god Chu Yuechan)

The stone of its mountain, the stone of its mountain. Chu Yuechan was the first woman who had sex with Yun Che in the early days of the evil god against the sky. However, she opened up low and walked high. Later, Xia Qingyue and

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Russia, as the largest country in the world in terms of land area, the first thing you think of is the fighting nation. Vodka, AK47, ballet and Red Square can

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eleven thousand seven hundred and twenty-two
one thousand and four