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Skip is a model optimization plug-in of Sketchup. It can import and simplify high polygon models to SketchUp. It supports FBX, OBJ, STL, DAE, etc. Functions include: import, preview and simplify FBX, OBJ, STL, DAE, 3DS, VRML, PLY Simplify groups and components in SketchUp model Quick import and simplify preview before import, adjust scale and direction Accurate measurement based simplified maintenance model

Platform advantages

Survive with quality, promote development with reputation, and take the speed of issuing orders as its own responsibility

Resource version: 2017.0.0 Official address: DEMO Resource tag: Geomagic, SolidWorks 3D scanning model processing SW plug-in Geomagic For SolidWorks V2017.0.0 X64 Information:

Station Master's Experience

Time proves everything. We always believe that only after sales can we have a future!

Soft Mask is a UI component that can mask sub elements. Its working principle is almost the same as that of the standard Unity UI mask, but it supports gradient and translucency. Version: 1.5 (the version included in the download page) | Compatible software: Unity3D 5.6.1 or higher is supported | Format: unitypackage | File size: 3 MB | Home page: Unity|

System advantages:

Sketchup model surface reduction optimization plug-in Skip v1.1.4 for 2019-2021 WinMac+tutorial | Baidu cloud disk | online disk download | Chinese | cracking | registration | free | installation | iiiDea CN

3D scanning model processing SW plug-in Geomagic For SolidWorks V2017.0.0 X64 | Baidu Cloud Disk | Online Disk Download | Chinese | Cracking | Registration | Free | Installation | iiiDea CN

Soft Mask 1.5 – Unity GUI component that can cover sub elements | Baidu Cloud Disk | Online Disk Download | Chinese | Cracking | Registration | Free | Installation | iiiDea CN

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What we have


Skip is a model optimization plug-in of Sketchup, which can import and simplify high polygon models to SketchUp, and supports FB

3D scanning

Resource version: 2017.0.0 Official address: DEMO Resource tag: Geomagic, SolidWorks 3


Soft Mask is a UI component that can mask sub elements. Its working principle is almost the same as the UI mask of standard Unity,

92 H

This resource package contains 92 HDRI panoramic skies, with alpha clean panoramic clouds, and is saved in OpenEXR legal person format, including P


Every time I see a Premiere Pro tutorial or template, IIIDEA likes to say a few words more. After all, this software is from 1.5 to


Corona renderer (CR) 6 is a new photo renderer integrated into MAX, which can be plug-in