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[Zhuan] Dummy One Button Windows DD Package and DD System Tutorial


This article is adapted from the blog of the paparazzi team. Original text: Dummies One Button Windows DD Package and DD System Tutorial: http://xiaofd.win/windows-dd-template.html

At 22:40:39 on November 19, 2017, the template of win server 2012 r2 was updated : (Add drive, turn on remote, turn off UAC, and change the computer name to xiaofd without any modification)

Google online disk address: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QQFy4u5xa5aY2Fwl-F0aHa1BJ5xzIGm2/view?usp=sharing

Direct link address: http://d.xiaofd.win/ddwin/win2012r2.gz

Account, User Name: Administrator Password: xiaofd WIN

After several days of trouble, I finally came up with a foolproof, fully automatic, one click DD Windows tutorial


  • Can support DD windows in no rescue mode and no VNC mode (The lightsail DD windows test of aws is successful)
  • The system supports customization before DD


This article mainly gives the DD package description and installation instructions, The one click DD tutorial is given in the previous blog post

For the time being, only the win10 system template has been created:

Google online disk address: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TmErU8F4SDePUfXixyGJyPDCj4EfTqat/view?usp=sharing </a >

Direct link address: http://d.xiaofd.win/ddwin/win10-xiaofd.gz </a >

The server can't stand everyone's simultaneous dd system. It is recommended that everyone save the dd package as a direct chain collection for backup( Pay attention to the straight link of http

Key notes

The DD package is self-made. The self-made process: add a driver, install win10, set the administrator account (xiaofd), open the remote desktop, change the computer name to (xiaofd), No additional operation, can be used with confidence

Some people pointed out that they were worried about not having the authority of Administrator. After adding, they can open the admin administrator account and delete the xiaofd account. (A non administrator account must be added for win10 installation. Anyone who has used win10 should know this)


 wget xiaofd.github.io/ddwin.sh  && bash ddwin.sh  -W http direct link address - d/dev/vda

-W is http direct connection gzip compression format dd package link - d is dd target hard disk ID

test result

The minimum test configuration is 1 core 1G memory, which is too low to test. It is estimated that 233

Test succeeded on aws parameter - d/dev/xvda

Successful test on linode Parameter - d/dev/sda

Test succeeded on the vultr parameter - d/dev/vda

 Dummies One Button Windows DD Package and DD System Tutorial



It can be customized and put in the final description. After the package is decompressed, it is a hard disk in. raw format, which can be attached to the virtual machine. After the boot configuration is completed, it is compressed by gzip and then transferred to its own direct chain. Customization is complete


Ok, the article is over, thanks for IP+1

give the thumbs-up
  1. soclearn say:

    One click dd script with progress display can use the One click DD script with progress display 1keydd to install win10 (also supports bios, uefi, vps, independent services, and computing instances) https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV17B4y1b79Y Command: wget - qO - inst.sh | bash


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