Batch change picture names Batch name pictures with different names

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Batch change picture name Batch name pictures with different names Youxinyu Homeland( )For exclusive or original release, you can contact us through the "Private Message Website" in the upper right corner.

1. We first generate the existing image name directory in EXCEL for batch modification.

 Batch change picture names Batch name pictures with different names

2. Press the combination key<Win+R>, the Win key is between the Ctrl key and the Alt key, then click Run, and enter "CMD" in the text box.

 Batch change picture names Batch name pictures with different names

Enter the command at the command prompt and switch to the picture directory to be operated, such as "400-1" on the desktop. Then we can open this directory and copy the path in the address bar, such as "C: Users user. XY-20230129XPGC Desktop 400-1"

Then enter in cmd cd C:\Users\user.XY-20230129XPGC\Desktop\400-1

The path is automatically pasted by right clicking.

"C: Users user. XY-20230129XPGC Desktop 400-1" is the path to store pictures

批量更改图片名称 批量给图片命名为不同的名称

3. Sometimes you will find that the image file name, such as the one above, is too messy and has spaces. The renaming operation after the space is unrecognizable. You can only batch change the spaces to others, such as "hyphens", for recognition. It can be realized by batch renaming software. The command is very cumbersome. This site uses batch renaming software to achieve this.

批量更改图片名称 批量给图片命名为不同的名称

4. Return to the command prompt and enter again after entering

Dir /b>1.xls

Generate excel files. The content of the. xlsx format document is empty, so you can only use the. xls format.

 Batch change picture names Batch name pictures with different names

After completion, there will be a 1. xls file in the 400-1 picture folder. Open it and you will find that all the file names in this folder are in the worksheet.

批量更改图片名称 批量给图片命名为不同的名称

5. Then, first delete the line of 1.xls, which may be at the top or bottom.

 Batch change picture names Batch name pictures with different names

6. Starting from B1, copy all file names to column B

批量更改图片名称 批量给图片命名为不同的名称

7. We will see that there is no suffix, and then we need to add suffixes in batches

As shown in the figure, enter in the right cell =B1&".png" , enter. ( B1 Is the front cell, which is entered according to the actual situation, and. png is the suffix, which is entered according to the actual situation)

批量更改图片名称 批量给图片命名为不同的名称

8. Next, fill the same formula down.

批量更改图片名称 批量给图片命名为不同的名称

9. Set“ Suffix Cells ”Select all. Right click, select the“ copy ”Option.

批量更改图片名称 批量给图片命名为不同的名称

Then“ Previous Cells ”Select all. Right click and select“ Paste Special ”Option. Click on“ numerical value ”, click the“ determine ”Button.

 Batch change picture names Batch name pictures with different names

10. Then delete the auxiliary column on the right. Enter the formula in cell C1 and fill it down.


="ren "&A1&" "&B1

批量更改图片名称 批量给图片命名为不同的名称

11. Copy the contents of the C1: CX column area to the TXT document, and save the document in the "400-1" folder. The suffix must be. bat, and the code must be ANSI. The name saved in this example is * * *. bat

批量更改图片名称 批量给图片命名为不同的名称

12. Double click * * *. bat, and the photo name will be changed to the desired naming method.

 Batch change picture names Batch name pictures with different names

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