Enterprise website construction | Jiangmen website construction | applet mall | ERP system - customer analysis network


Website , Mall, Mini Program / Official Account Development, OA System, Approval System, CRM System, ERP System, Invoicing System, Production System, Government Affairs System, etc.

Four in one official website, four in one shopping mall, applet/public account development, OA office system, approval system, CRM system, enterprise ERP system, purchase, sales and storage system, production system, government system, etc

Customer Stories

Website · Mall · OA · ERP - Customized, find XIKE, easily help you achieve Internet + digital development

Website · Mall · OA · ERP - Customized customer search, easy to help you achieve Internet+digital development


Founded in 2008, high-tech enterprise, professional team, powerful core, focus on customization, independent deployment, fast delivery, after-sales guarantee

Founded in 2008, a high-tech enterprise, a professional team, a strong core, focusing on customization, independent deployment, rapid delivery and after-sales support
  • Created in 2008

    Analyst takes creating customer value as the core concept, constantly optimizes the positioning, constantly improves the overall technical level and service quality, and helps enterprises achieve Internet+digital development

  • High tech enterprises

    The state recognizes high-tech enterprises, insists on independent research, and each system core has independent software copyright, which can authorize customers to use it legally and safely and avoid using third-party infringement

  • Professional team

    Ten years of sharpening, Analyst has a design and engineer team with more than ten years of experience. We pursue the spirit of craftsmanship, do a good job in every work, and ensure customer satisfaction in delivery

  • Powerful kernel

    Analyst follows the development of the times and adopts cutting-edge technology solutions (website front-end technology: H5+CSS, mobile terminal technology: VUE+UNIAPP, back-end technology: cross platform technology framework. NET CORE,. NET6)

  • Focus on customization

    It is appropriate to meet the needs of customers' actual use scenarios. Adhere to strengthening customization capabilities, create customized service processes of standard systems, and meet customers' personalized needs

  • Independent deployment

    The products provided by Analyst all support independent deployment and delivery, and the data is placed on the customer's own server to ensure data security and avoid data defamiliation on third-party platforms

  • Fast delivery

    Each service process of customer analysis has a standard process system. From demand confirmation to project development, testing, acceptance and delivery, it can be delivered quickly according to customer requirements

  • After sales guarantee

    The product scheme provided by Analyst is not only to deliver the system, but also to provide stable after-sales service support to ensure the normal operation of the project, so as to avoid finding no one after delivery

Committed to helping enterprises easily realize the Internet+ Digital development , focusing on solving enterprise problems Personalized needs

Website · Mall · OA · ERP - customized search Analyze customers

Founded in 2008, Analyst Network Technology Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise, which helps enterprises to develop Internet+digitalization, and realize information management at home and abroad. Its self-developed products include XKCMS (cloud official website), XKSHOP (cloud mall), XKOA (mobile office), XKERP (management system), XK+(industry solution), and Wangpumao SAAS Mall, which can be customized and developed according to the actual needs of customers, and have provided website information services for tens of thousands of enterprises and institutions.

  • +

    A choice trusted by enterprise customers

  • +

    Group/school/government cooperation

  • Production, teaching and research bases of colleges and universities

  • +

    National software copyright



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