Register @ and apply for the trial quota of 300 European cloud servers

The free Oracle Cloud VPS has been tried for a long time and has been popular until now. However, the free bar can not be used up, so there will be no free games.

Today, I would like to share with you a reliable free network resource. IK.ME provides short mailboxes with the @ suffix, and those who have the strength can also apply for their 300 euro free ECS trial quota.

At present, short mailboxes with @ suffix are only developed and registered in the United States, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Luxembourg and Monaco.

The registration conditions are also simple. You need to verify the IP and mobile phone number of the above countries to register. Obviously, if you have a Google voice number, you can register a short email with the @ suffix through the US IP proxy.

You can play if you want. Take a look at the leisure bar. At present, there are many good user names to choose from for the @ suffix short mailbox. The key is IK ME is also a reliable company, all can play.

It is more troublesome to obtain the trial quota of IK.ME's ECS, which requires credit card verification. Of course, I didn't go to play in the leisure bar. Those who have strength can go to play.

It is reported that there is no time limit for's 300 Euro cloud server trial. You can play VPS with low configuration for several years. If you are interested and competent, you can study it yourself. Many domestic old railways have successfully got on the train.

According to the old railway on the train The evaluation of the cloud VPS of ME home shows that the domestic speed is very good, and the oil GUAN can run 4K.

In addition, IK.ME has a free SMS service. I tried to send it to the GV number and received it normally. Want to play can also try!

Well, that's all for resource sharing this time. If you are interested, do your own research.

Email application address:

ECS trial quota application address:

There is no GV number, so how can it be! Hurry to choose a good GV number. Address:

First run:

Copyright notice:
Author: Leisure Bar
Source: Xianba Resource Station
The copyright of this article belongs to the author. Please do not reprint it without permission.

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