Can the US real card used for verification during Google voice application retrieve the GV number applied for?

Google Voice Chinese has been selling GV numbers for a relatively long time, perhaps because it is selling Google Voice hot numbers, with less traffic but higher prices.

Therefore, whether some customers will ask some strange questions. For example, the question to be explained this time: "Can the US real card used for verification during Google voice application retrieve the GV number applied for?"

I think it's normal for customers who buy smart numbers to have this question. After all, when they seriously apply for GV numbers, the actual card number in the United States is not in their hands. If the Google voice number they bought is retrieved, they will lose a lot.

This is the real card function for GV number application.

The real card used to apply for a Google voice number cannot retrieve the Google voice number, and the real card cannot be used to apply for a GV number for a long time.

The reason why Google requires to use the American real card to verify the application for Google voice number is that it is mainly a service for American citizens, and the American real card number should be the most effective identification method.

Of course, requiring the US IP application is also one of Google's verification methods. It should be easy to understand!

Therefore, when applying for GV, the real card cannot retrieve the Google voice number, so you can buy it with confidence.

In addition, the deletion of the real card at the time of application does not affect the use of Google voice number in any way.

Those old irons who can only use Google voice numbers when encountering related numbers, search the textbooks on Google voice Chinese online, and solve them easily!

Don't have a Google voice number yet? How can it be......

Hurry to choose a good GV number. Address:

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Author: Leisure Bar
Source: Xianba Resource Station
The copyright of this article belongs to the author. Please do not reprint it without permission.

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