WordPress Acceleration Nginx FastCGI Cache PK Varnish

WordPress accelerated optimization article, free bar introduced many. So, which acceleration scheme is better and which WordPress acceleration optimization scheme is suitable for you?

Here, let's share a basic conclusion. Comparison of WordPress, WordPress+Simple Cache, WordPress+Varnish, and WordPress+Nginx FastCGI Caching.

Pressure test command:

ab -n 10000 -c 100 https://siteunderload.com/

Test environment:

  • Digital Ocean 2GB
  • Ubuntu 16.04.4
  • PHP 7.1.15
  • Nginx 1.13.6
  • MariaDB 10.2.13
  • Varnish 6.0
  • WordPress 4.9.4, Twenty Seventeen

PK result:

There is no more verbosity here. The two results are directly shown. I believe you can understand them at a glance.

WordPress optimization conclusion:

  1. WordPress is not optimized for caching, so its performance is really average;
  2. WordPress+Nginx FastCGI Caching is the best caching solution.

After reading the WordPress optimization results above, two points should be clarified. WordPress requires optimization. In addition, you must remember to optimize in combination with your own Web environment.

The free bar uses the WordPress+Nginx FastCGI Caching scheme. Next time, share the relevant tutorials.

Original author evaluation address: https://spinupwp.com/page-caching-varnish-vs-nginx-fastcgi-cache-2018/

Copyright notice:
Author: Leisure Bar
Link: https://www.xianba.net/5129.html
Source: Xianba Resource Station
The copyright of this article belongs to the author. Please do not reprint it without permission.

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