WPJAM Basic optimization acceleration recommended by WordPress acceleration plug-in

WPJAM Basic is a fully accelerated and optimized plug-in for WP, which is developed by the domestic WORDPRESS player WP Jam. Xianba has been using WPJAM Basic, an acceleration plug-in.

The main functions of the WPJAM Basic plug-in used in the leisure bar are as follows:

  • Block some functions not commonly used by WordPress, such as some APIs.
  • Remove some functions that are not required or commonly used by WP.
  • Domestic download updates avoid 429 code problems.
  • Baidu statistics and Baidu webmaster submission and other functions.
  • Object cache function.
  • Scheduled operation, etc.

There are other functions. I personally think WPJAM Basic plug-in is a very excellent WP acceleration plug-in. I recommend it to everyone because I use it well.

The WPJAM Basic plug-in can be installed through the WP background search, or downloaded to the local computer for upload and installation. The WPJAM Basic download: WPJAM Basic

Copyright notice:
Author: Leisure Bar
Link: https://www.xianba.net/5041.html
Source: Xianba Resource Station
The copyright of this article belongs to the author. Please do not reprint it without permission.

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