
Website name: Wang Yushuang
Website domain name: www.wys.me
Nature of website: personal website
The webmaster said: I prefer listening to talking; I prefer reading to writing; Compared with reading thousands of books, I prefer traveling thousands of miles; I prefer doing things to being a person.
Site introduction: One pen, falling together, artful. This website mainly publishes some essays related to personal life, work, study, etc. This website is a pure "personal website", which only represents and speaks for individuals. It has nothing to do with any organization, unit or person - please do not take out of context or over interpret with strong motivation.
Copyright notice: The theme of this website is original , and use "Signature 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)" Creative sharing agreement, which can be reproduced and quoted freely, but must be signed by the author and indicate the source of the article.
Review of comments: review the initial comments manually. If they pass the review for the first time, they will be automatically let go - if there are spam comments (including address, email, website itself) in the future, then all comments of the commenter may be deleted.
contact information: 40067753@qq.com

development history

2022.12.31: Station construction, Hedgerow Typecho Junichi
2023.01.12: The WeChat official account "Codeword Clothes" matching the website was launched, and its name was derived from the homophone of hard codeword.
2023.01.26: Take two weeks to add some functions (in order) to the website: paid reading and reward, like, bubble, statistics, reviewer level, emoticon pack, back to top, link page firefly, comment floor, recent visit, etc// There are 13 levels of reviewers, which are: common people → scholars → children → scholars → judges → tributes → scholars → flowers → ranking first → doctors → dukes → gentlemen.
2023.02.17: The WeChat public account "Codeword Clothes" matching the website was offline because of "no play", "no fun" and "too many restrictions".
2023.11.01: The main domain name of the blog was changed from wangyushuang.com to wys.me, which had been used for some time before. The reason is that it is easy to input, and it is also easy for small friends to remember.
2024.03.13: With the help of Ant reading Add the RSS site reading function, and merge the "links" and "msg" pages into one "link" page( links ), the link content includes three aspects: subscription link( rss.wys.me ), emotional links, visitor links.

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One pen, falling together, is artful.
I'm waiting for someone to come