108 Reading notes: "Introduction to Social Work" (the third edition of Wang Sibin) Terms explanation+thinking questions

During the review of "Ethnology", I made a "four times reading method", and later I wanted to apply it to the review of "social work", but I found that it was not feasible at all. Because the book of "ethnology" is very different from the book of "social work", the former mainly covers the line of "ethnology", and even more is some historical knowledge, while the latter covers all aspects of human social life, and many knowledge points of the latter have hierarchical explanations, often with first and second level titles, There are also three levels of titles, that is, there are many rules and regulations. Therefore, the review of "Social Work Principles" is carried out in this way:
1、 First, make a directory mind map to understand the general framework and form an overall impression;
 Please enter a picture description Please enter a picture description 2、 From the perspective of knowledge points (for the question type "noun interpretation"), read through it, extract relevant concepts and note down the page numbers in the book;
3、 Search the real questions of some colleges and universities over the years through the network (paid), summarize the content of the "term explanation" part, and integrate it with the content of "II". In the "Explanation of Terms" section, those with page numbers are excerpts from the book, and those without page numbers are online searches;
4、 Summarize the thinking questions after the chapter, and find the reference answers through the network (pay).
After the above operations are completed, you will get a 125 page review material with 20W words, including "noun explanation" and "thinking questions"“ Introduction to Social Work (Third Edition) Wang Sibin Summary of Key Points in the Book (and real topics of some colleges over the years). pdf ”The pdf format is free to share here, click the link to download. (The doc can be edited in an editable format. You need "slightly expressed meaning" to get it!)

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  1.  Mr. wu

    ha-ha. I have wps members, pdf format conversion, small.

    Mr. wu reply
    1.  wys

      @Mr. wu


      wys reply
  2.  I'M payment on behalf

    My university is majoring in sociology. Does Mr. Wang teach social workers? ha-ha

    I'M payment on behalf reply
    1.  wys

      @I'M payment on behalf

      Good, 🚀 Then I have to ask you more. Ha, I just started to contact social workers 🎨

      wys reply
  3.  Wolf

    Mr. Wang is excellent. Although he can't understand it, he feels that he is awesome. But the PDF version is available, just print it out, hahaha

    Wolf reply
    1.  wys

      @Old Wolf

      It's killing time

      wys reply
  4.  Jeffer.Z
    4th floor

    Lao Wang, why have I subscribed for many times? I can't add you in freehrss. The/feed/address is also correct. Is it blocking Hong Kong and overseas crawling.

    Jeffer.Z reply
    1.  wys

      @Jeffer. Z

      Only the Ningxia IP is blocked, and the rest is normal. There can be no interference.

      wys reply
  5.  Summer Blog

    It is dazzling to see that social work discourse is a big system.

    Summer Blog reply
    1.  wys

      @Summer Blog

      I feel a little powerless.
      Your site is a little slow to open. I feel that it is rotating all the time~

      wys reply
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