Can 107 people walk faster than time?

If a person's daily activities are fixed, he or she can improve the efficiency of activities and complete the activities of the day in advance to make more time.
 Can people walk faster than time? This morning, I was dragged by my children to the rubber fitness track in the nearby West Lake Park, and ran 3 kilometers, taking 15 minutes and 27 seconds, 33 seconds faster than the last time (the last time, on April 14, 16 minutes and 00 seconds, see the blog "Seven laps and a half"). The length of a straight section of runway near the slope of West Lake Park, which we measured with a bracelet a few days ago, is just 1 km. Three kilometers is just a round trip plus a one-way trip. While running, you can enjoy the roadside scenery. Willow, peach blossom, birch trees, etc. are more interesting than running on the school football field track.

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  1.  XIGE

    It's also great to ride. At present, I ride a lot and jog with my children at night, but I can't run every day

    XIGE reply
    1.  wys


      In the wild, I think it's OK to ride. I don't feel safe in the city or on the road around the city. After all, there are too many cars. Besides, is he riding a bike? It is too light, and the collision resistance is not strong. The risk coefficient is really not small.

      wys reply
  2.  Uncle Da

    Time is one dimension higher than human beings. People live in the time scale and cannot surpass it.
    Only do more things in the scale, and be more efficient.

    Uncle Da reply
    1.  wys

      @Uncle Da

      By doing things efficiently, we can earn more and more time every day.

      wys reply
  3.  Rice with Zongye

    Only then has more time to do other meaningful things, such as parent-child outdoor.

    Rice with Zongye reply
    1.  wys

      @Rice with Zongye

      Yes, in middle age, people have less physical strength than young people and more responsibilities than old people, so there is only one way to go.

      wys reply
  4.  Xiangshitan
    4th floor

    Together with children, it is both sports and parent-child time, tired and happy, both suitable, one time, two things done

    Xiangshitan reply
    1.  wys


      Well said, kill two birds with one stone. In the future, I will try to do more with one action.

      wys reply
  5.  Two halves

    It must be a good feeling to finish the fixed things of the day ahead of time, which makes procrastination patients envy

    Two halves reply
    1.  wys

      @Two halves

      If you really want to do this (if you are ahead of time "relatively"), you need to have a more specific plan every day, and make a list of things to be done in advance (the day before). After completion, no more work content can be added at will.

      wys reply
  6.  ayiya
    6th floor

    I don't know if it's faster than time. But when I passed the school this morning and saw the students walking around, I had a feeling of youth 😄

    ayiya reply
    1.  wys


      When we were students, when we were young, didn't we? If you like, you can do it again. For example, if you want to study something on the job, you can study full-time if you have the opportunity.
      The feeling of strolling is that they don't have much burden of life. What they have is the yearning for a better life in the future.

      wys reply
      1.  ayiya


        Well, I guess it's a carefree feeling 😄 After that age and time, the feeling will be different

        ayiya reply
        1.  wys


          I hope time stays like the song I often hear in college, yesterday once more.

          wys reply
  7.  Pick up wind
    7th floor

    Whether it is a way to win time to finish the planned things in a shorter time, and win the time out of plan to do other things.

    Pick up wind reply
    1.  wys

      @Pick up wind

      I want to make a weekly work plan and life plan to ration the amount of daily activities. (ง •̀_•́)ง

      wys reply
  8.  MatrixCore
    8th floor

    Everyone is eager for efficiency. I think efficiency is similar to a flow experience, and the influencing factors here are diverse.

    MatrixCore reply
    1.  wys


      (̀ ᴗ ̑ ̑) و ̑ Yes, I have a little philosophical experience. There is a song called "Hold the Love". I hope to hold the rest and entertainment time that I should have every day. Don't let the work steal it all.

      wys reply
  9.  Kevin
    9th floor

    I'm trying to keep fit. I want to lose weight!!!
    Start eating less today!

    Kevin reply
    1.  wys


      Go to the gym. In addition to losing weight, there is hope to become stronger.

      wys reply
  10.  Jiang Chen Jcs Moe
    10th floor

    I don't know whether it can be faster than time, but I know I almost disappeared. Ha ha ha

    Jiang Chen Jcs Moe reply
    1.  wys

      @Jiang Chen Jcs Moe

      Once the cycle passes, it will not come back again 😹

      wys reply
  11.  Toxic
    11th floor

    I have been thinking about finishing the work quickly, but I found that I can't finish the system ( ̄▽ ̄)

    Toxic reply
    1.  wys


      I've tried, but I can't finish it any faster. "Almost" is enough.

      wys reply
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