106 Look at problems from the perspective of development

People's negative emotional performance, such as "complaining, angry or angry", often stems from overly conservative thinking.

If we look at all problems from the perspective of development, we may find that "existence is reasonable" (existence is because the corresponding preconditions have been met, there are "reasons", and existence is reasonable). In this case, the object of anger should not be the superficial result of "existence", but should be traced back to the previous "preconditions" (deep reasons). Before "existence" became a reality, did you pay attention to, be alert to, or do you make any prevention (efforts) against "preconditions"? If not, it means that he is not a "wise man" (without foresight) - that is, he and the producer of "reality" that makes him unhappy are almost at the same IQ level, and there is no difference between each other - he is not qualified to complain, angry or angry.

It is understandable that the things promised by others cannot be realized in the end. Because no matter others have agreed with you or rejected your decision, it is all made by others in a certain life state. The life state of others makes others comprehensively consider that the best reply they can make at that time is to give a positive reply; As for later, when others changed their minds, it may also be because their living conditions have changed, making others think that a veto is the best choice in the new situation. For others' subsequent rejection, that is, people often say, "turning back", in fact, most of the time it is mainly caused by objective reasons, because it is self-evident that between objective and subjective, which is weaker and which is stronger. Since others can change their own decisions when the objective environment changes, we should also keep pace with the times and adapt to changes. Of course, if you think you have a strong adaptability, you can also make some efforts to change ahead, that is, to change quickly and slowly.

Look at problems from the perspective of development, and all existence is taken for granted.

  1.  Hugh Coffee Club

    Learning knowledge makes me dizzy (̀ ᴗ ᴗ و ̑)

    Hugh Coffee Club reply
    1.  wys

      @Hugh Coffee Club

      👏 Welcome. Your resource sharing station is good!

      wys reply
  2.  Kevin

    I forgot where I saw it

    Anger is the outward manifestation of impotence..

    Kevin reply
    1.  wys


      Anger shows that he failed to properly handle his emotional problems, which is a manifestation of his lack of ability. Indeed, many times.

      wys reply
  3.  Rice with Zongye

    The root causes behind emotions are also diverse. It is impossible to trace back to the cause of the problem just by staying on the surface of anger.

    Rice with Zongye reply
    1.  wys

      @Rice with Zongye

      How to say, anger is similar to SHIT. Without a more moderate way of expression, it may not be good for your health if you don't vent it (repressed for a long time). 🏭

      wys reply
  4.  MatrixCore
    4th floor

    Many of my negative emotions often come from lack of motivation, fear and fear of doing something, and occasionally suffer from intermittent procrastination. I don't know why. Sometimes I feel afraid of loneliness, especially when I am alone, I feel boring. Sometimes I may feel distressed because of unfinished things, or lack of ability, or have too many desires, Or Ge You felt paralyzed after coming home from work. But now I still feel that things always have to be done day after day, going round and round. Since I don't do it at the moment, I must do it later. I found that one or two hours before and after eating, people's mental state is very poor, probably because they have to digest, so the golden time of each period is about two hours, If I have slept in the morning of the holiday, I feel listless in the afternoon, and too excited to sleep at night. This situation has been experienced many times, and I always think it is very bad. I am also slowly realizing the advanced view of Mr. Wang recently. I like an article by Lao Zhou very much( https://www.tomatolist.com/show_blog_page.html?no=6ea857db -8c1a-4402-bb63-1b54c41381c1.

    MatrixCore reply
    1.  wys


      The opposite of negative emotions should be a positive attitude, right? The lack of positive attitude may be due to the lack of motivation you mentioned (the popular point is that "fame and wealth" does not stimulate people enough), or the lack of ability to worry (the lack of confidence in holding a thing). I also have this feeling about loneliness. Sometimes the more prosperous the outside world is, the more lonely my inner world is. I feel that only myself is my own, and the outside is just a merciless foil (or a show off to myself). But if I find my own interest and devote myself to it, I will also forget everything else. As some people said, I will drown myself in life without thinking. The best mental state of a person varies from person to person. Some people are very depressed during the day and get excited at dusk, such as those who are like night owls. There are still some people who should account for more than half of the total. They are energetic during the day and depressed at night - I also want to be the latter, but I find it difficult to do so. It is often because I am tired during the day, and it is good to have a happy meal. When I sleep at night, I may also reflect on whether the work of the next day is completed as required, and what tasks are left the next day. I always go to sleep with unfinished thinking.
      Old Zhou's "plan" is right, it is a kind of full preparation in advance. It is equivalent to a mousetrap. When you put it in place, just wait for the opportunity quietly, and the (foreseeable) surprise will come naturally. When I wrote here, it suddenly occurred to me that if there is a plan, no matter what happens later is expected or unexpected, it will not cause the biggest blow to my own emotions. Because if there is a plan, if I have a psychological preparation, I will be more tolerant than those who do not have a plan, and will be more unprepared. Time management is too important. Time is one UNIT and one MODULE of life. Only when you manage each grid well can your whole life be improved.
      Emotion management, I think, is also important. However, emotion is also the emotion of the object carrier of people. You can try to improve it through planned fitness activities. Recently, I practiced 3km running, went to the gym to play for an hour, then went shopping to eat, and finally went home. After a series of actions, I felt that my mentality was much better than that of not going out every day to do something.
      51 (I want) Happy Ha!

      wys reply
  5.  Uncle Da

    Just when I was reading a book "Strategies for Conscious Thinking", I mentioned a point of view "illusion of focus". When you focus too much on something, its role will be put into play. When you put your whole life to see it, it is insignificant. People have too many negative emotions, probably because it is too short-sighted.

    Uncle Da reply
    1.  wys

      @Uncle Da

      Short sighted, I feel the same way, especially when I fly in the clouds and see mountains, rivers, cities, communities, streets and people the size of ants on the ground. I feel that everything on the ground is so small, and there are many contradictions in work, life and study, which are not worth mentioning.

      wys reply
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