103 famous aphorism: a little cruel, he will have no way!

Some truth, suitable for one age group, may not be suitable for another age group; When you are young, you should know more, master when necessary, and give up when necessary, so that your life can go smoothly.

Some people often get in trouble with you because they have grasped your personality weakness of "being embarrassed to refuse others" and "being afraid of causing trouble". As long as you are slightly cruel, he will have no choice.

To do something, the most important thing to weigh is the gain and loss of your own interests - of course, it must be done without affecting the legitimate interests of others, otherwise it is immoral - for immoral acts, tolerance is connivance, and cooperation is crime.

Can bad people save good people? Usually not. Therefore, a person should first care about himself, make himself better and become a good person, so that he can spare no effort to help people who are not good enough or even worse. From this point of view, self love is not selfish, not immoral, nor wrong.

Some people like to do their own private work for their subordinates, even when they are transferred, they still want to arrange private work every other day, and it is selective private work - of course, if it is non selective private work, such as a double who does everything, such as shopping with N friends... I think no one will refuse.

Some things, no! In fact, many things are difficult to achieve the best of both worlds. If it is convenient to others, it is inconvenient to oneself; If you are convenient with yourself, you will be inconvenient with others. At this time, you should look far ahead: if you have potential value, you may as well be convenient with others temporarily, otherwise you should resolutely consider only yourself, even if you may offend others because of this - otherwise, it will always benefit others, and it will always be you who are sad.

It's true that we can't distinguish work from life for many times, but we can't stop trying to distinguish them. At least from the address book, we can use two mobile phones to solve the problem. Work contact is work contact, and life contact is life contact. Listen to your boss at work and yourself at work.

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