102 Three mobile phones

Three mobile phones

A mobile phone is used to pull bricks
A mobile phone is used to make a fire
A mobile phone for adventure
Various APP related to the installation and work of bricks
And the only working mobile phone card
Installation of fire and life related matters
For example, a cat, a dog, a voice, a hand
Adventure, you know
All contents are only open to Laotie

Setting of bricks, automatic switch on/off every day
Only keep on during work
Avoid working outside hours
Possible disturbance and harassment from work
Those who make the fire, except during sleep at night
All day power on
Adventure, you know
Only when in use
Close after use

Brick pullers are only placed in the office
Adventure only in the study or bedroom
Only those who make fire take it with them all day long
Three machines in hand perform their own duties
Public, public and private are no longer confused


Some colleagues
When I need to cooperate with them to complete some work
They usually say:
Lao Wang, help me to have sex when you are free
Every time I receive similar messages
I feel funny and helpless
This is clearly one of my duties
Their requirements are also routine work
Not too much
There's only one choice I can make
——Completion of cooperation
But in their opinion
It seems polite
Or something else
I need a favor or something

It's been a long time
I also came up with a classic
Neither high nor low
Reply with a smiley face
——If it's work, it doesn't matter whether you are idle or not
Work requiring my cooperation
Despite the rumors

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  1.  MatrixCore

    I am also thinking about this problem. I find that the positioning of mobile phones is very special to me. It is not only the first smart electronic device we use most frequently, but also the place where we love and hate each other. I probably have the following appreciation for mobile phones. I bought a smart phone for my grandmother, which makes it difficult to say goodbye when we no longer meet; The end creation tool, which works with flomo or memos to create blog sub modules; I don't spend much time on video now. Recently, I was watching Jane's water question and ethereal; As for the third kind of machine, I think this is something we have to face, which is difficult to avoid. I am also looking for a new strategy to neutralize it. Now I have found some clues, which is still in the process of trying. The reason why we strongly desire this feeling is that our body has begun to lose its ability to support our spirit. The only thing we can do is either to make ourselves stronger, or to divert mental pressure, or to exercise reasonable restraint.

    MatrixCore reply
    1.  wys


      Information has indeed exploded on us for a long time, working, living, learning... Our energy is being consumed in no short time. In the long run, most of us will become victims of the information age. I think what we can do is to recognize the form. As you said, we can find a neutral way to absorb what is important to us, while diverting what is not.

      wys reply
  2.  Universal gravitation

    I don't like electronic products that can't easily replace batteries. I dare not use them more. I like to use plugged in computers

    Universal gravitation reply
    1.  wys

      @Universal gravitation

      The charging cabin is more inconvenient than those that can replace the cartridge clips row by row. I don't know why the current smart phones don't support battery replacement?? With a computer 💻 I don't touch my mobile phone when I am at hand. It is estimated that in the near future, only mobile phones will be replaced by a high-tech product.

      wys reply
  3.  Shiying Lantern

    I think:
    The one with a mobile phone is a little fart child;
    Adults have two mobile phones.

    But you have three mobile phones.

    Shiying Lantern reply
    1.  wys

      @Shiying Lantern

      🚬 On the phone ☎️ WeChat objects and contact time are further separated and subdivided by physical means of mobile phones to ensure a little personal space. Otherwise, we will go farther and farther away from freedom and closer to livestock.

      wys reply
  4.  Lvtu
    4th floor

    I usually feel troublesome when I go out to pick up one mobile phone. You can take three... 👍

    Lvtu reply
    1.  wys


      Thanks Lvtu( Rabbit?) Follow up!
      Manage three mobile phones 📱, It's forced. Ma is a bit troublesome and clean. Otherwise, some work calls will always come in at private time.

      wys reply
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