101 Ordinary

Time for an ordinary meal
Kill an ordinary bowl or two of rice
And an ordinary dish
Or something else
For example, half a cup of ordinary drinks
It's called "eating"

Time for an ordinary meal
Kill three or five bowls of rice
And three or five dishes
Or something else
For example, three or five bottles of drinks
It's called "looking for death"

Ordinary monthly salary of three to five thousand
Ordinary living expenses
Ordinary surplus
If there is wealth

Monthly salary of over 10000 yuan
Outrageous expenses
A considerable surplus
If there is a burden

  1.  Universal gravitation

    ha-ha. There is a bit of philosophy.

    Universal gravitation reply
    1.  wys

      @Universal gravitation

      👏 Welcome to our company!
      It's good to stop where you can, but it's hard to be precise!

      wys reply
  2.  MatrixCore

    When I saw this topic, I remembered a composition topic written by a junior high school teacher, which was called "At that time, only words were ordinary". I was bored. What tm was only words at that time, unless it was found that it was unusual later. Of course, when I think about this question now, the constant and impermanence are nothing more than feelings from my heart. So now I am a little idealistic. I only value what I value. I will try my best to make an equivalent exchange while keeping my bottom line.

    MatrixCore reply
    1.  wys


      Well said, my three views are basically fixed. My favorite sentence to hate others is "it depends". Our mood can affect our evaluation of an external environment. For example, we just won the 500w lottery, and then we may feel that everything around us is very pleasant. I'm also going to learn how to refuse others. I just want to help those who deserve my help and respect those who deserve respect - the standard is my heart.

      wys reply
  3.  Toxic


    Toxic reply
    1.  wys


      Lu Shilang has a subtle interpretation of masters. (ง •̀_•́)ง

      wys reply
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