100 Fate is hard to change ordinary destiny

Yesterday afternoon, my sister on WeChat phoned me and said, "Brother, my mother has a small bag with a diameter of about 15MM between the front of her right thigh and the middle of her right abdomen. You can feel it if you press it with your hand." "It grew last year, and my mother never told me." "My mother would not have told me if she hadn't heard that XXX in the village also had a similar bag recently and had not managed the loss of people for a long time."

When I heard it, I was worried and angry. What was urgent was that it could not be a tumor, could it? If it is benign, what if it is malignant? The follow-up treatment must be continuous, the cost must be quite a lot, and the medical insurance does not know how much it can be reimbursed. The key treatment is still uncomfortable. How many people can still laugh when lying in the hospital? Angrily, my mother found that there was something abnormal in her body, and she didn't tell us to be our children in time. She had to wait until it was serious. Doesn't that make it more difficult to cure? I don't know what the old people think now, nor can they ignore any minor problems. When there are signs, they should go to the hospital for examination and treatment. This is the most worried way to deal with illness for children.

"My second cousin was also sick. I heard that it was a recurrence of cancer, which had been cured before." My sister continued to talk to me. I asked, "What does it mean to be discharged from the hospital? Is it cured, or is it 'no cure'?" My sister said, "The hospital said to 'transfer'. The second cousin and his uncle didn't transfer, so they went to the pharmacy to grab some Chinese medicine and came back, and then asked the gentleman to knock and knock at home.". I said, "Why don't you listen to the hospital and transfer to another hospital for further treatment? Don't you have medical insurance? What age is it? What kind of feudal superstition is there? Please do something?" When my mother next to my sister heard the beginning of the conversation, she said, "The magic medicine and the solution! If you don't ask someone to do something, they (the family of the second aunt and the second uncle) will scold your second uncle and say that you can't treat the second aunt and uncle! ”After hearing this, I was speechless. Fortunately, I lived in the county. If I lived in the countryside, I didn't know whether I would be infected by this strong feudal superstition! From what I know about the local treatment of patients, if the hospital has "transferred" patients, it means that the patient's condition is serious. If the patient's family directly takes the patient home at this time, then the corresponding words of "taking the patient home" are "waiting for death". I thought of my grandmother, who was also ill that year. Later, the doctor said to my father, "You'd better take it home." Later, it seemed that my grandmother passed away only a week later. Think about it, in the countryside, for ordinary people who are not very rich, but very ordinary people, it is good to have enough food every day and earn enough tuition for their children. How can they be qualified to "cure"! The common people are tired, bitter and hungry, but they can't get sick! If you are ill, you can only symbolically send it to the hospital for treatment. If you can cure it, you can stop. If you need to transfer to another hospital to continue to burn money for treatment, you can just give up and take it home.

As for my mother's statement of "magic and medicine", I think if we don't rely on feudal superstition, we can barely understand it as a kind of psychotherapy. But unlike urban people's psychotherapy, rural people's psychotherapy is carried out under the cloak of feudal superstition. In any case, I still hope that the second cousin's illness can be alleviated and get better as soon as possible.

Yesterday, my daughter-in-law, who was a little impatient, sold 50 of the 54 W houses that had been listed in the housing agency for almost half a year, and received a deposit of 1 W from the agency. At first, we agreed to bid 54 W, hoping to close 52 W, which is expected to be sold within one year, that is, until September. Unexpectedly, my daughter-in-law was in a hurry and sold it by two dollars. Alas, if the early sale and early repayment of the dozens of W's in the bank can make her feel no sense of burden, the loss of two W's may not be a wise choice. As for my debt, I have to start from helping my father-in-law rent land and buy yards. Several W were loaned from the bank once, two years or three years later. There were also intermittent financial support for other projects. In addition, I was used to spending too much money at ordinary times, so the bank debt accumulated year by year. I felt that in the past five or six years, They are living on the back of the bank's debts, and they are not really easy in their hearts.

For ordinary dual worker families, they feel that it is only suitable to support one house. If they are greedy to support two houses, it will inevitably affect their bold and unconstrained expenditure in daily life and make life difficult. Life is always tense and busy. If it is more "bitter", it seems that it is not worth living on, because the prospect of the future is too far away no matter how attractive it is, and it is not worth sacrificing this wonderful middle-aged time. All living beings, most people are doomed to be ordinary, muddle along, but also live. I want to close my eyes, focus on the present, and live a normal life.

At noon yesterday, I also selected a doctoral major on the research and recruitment website to prepare for the entrance examination of the "Ethnology" major of the "Northern University for Nationalities". If I resign from the exam, I will go back to my hometown to start a business or farm in my hometown after graduation. Later, because I learned about my mother's illness last evening, I suddenly felt that there was no hope for me to "read a blog" in my life. Because I am in the middle age of my life, "bringing my family with me". I have to spend money on old people and young people, and I may have a relatively large expenditure at any time. If I give up the current stable establishment, I will have more and less income in the future. This is not the desired result.

Just like when people get married, they have no right to date the opposite sex; When people reach middle age, they are not qualified to be selfish. Ha ha!

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  1.  Weiyan Weiyu

    It is difficult to take back a hospital with cancer recurrence. It is difficult for ordinary people to spend a lot of money to continue treatment. It may cost a lot and end up with no money. You can only "take it back".

    Weiyan Weiyu reply
    1.  wys

      @Weiyan Weiyu

      Yeah! There are always helplessness in life. Some lives can be changed with all their strength, and some lives cannot be changed with all their strength. We can only recognize them.

      wys reply
  2.  obaby

    Life is a word, endure

    obaby reply
    1.  wys


      👏 Welcome back!
      Yes, porridge, medicine and time are all great life.

      wys reply
  3.  Rice with Zongye

    For families like us who are not very rich, we are really afraid of big events, which is really helpless.

    Rice with Zongye reply
    1.  wys

      @Rice with Zongye

      In the Practical Methods of Ethnology, the author mentioned that "(daily life) the observed life is daily life. They live realistically for survival, rather than ideally for the whimsical mysteries... They are indeed very vulnerable. Whenever they encounter natural disasters or man-made disasters, they are always the first victims." They are not rich and noble people. When they encounter major events, Generally, they are the first victims.

      wys reply
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