The east wind doesn't come
The catkins don't fly in March

Tags: notes

 Baidu shares the death in battle, Share.js shines brightly - Literal Coffee
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Baidu shares the death, Share.js shines brightly Necessary for building a station

Wonder Zhou Reading (3402) Comments (6) Like( eight )

Yesterday, I accidentally found an article of "Baidu sharing has been closed" by Yi Gujin, a famous blogger. After trying Baidu sharing, I found that Baidu sharing in blog is really useless! In fact, Literal Coffee wanted to change Baidu Share into another sharing program before, but it has been lazy to bother with this. Since it can't be used, let's change it! At present, in addition to Baidu sharing, the online

 Java learning notes day1 - text coffee

Java learning notes day1

Wonder Zhou Reading (1482) Comments (0) Like( one )

The DOS command window key+r commonly used in basic knowledge, press it together and enter cmd to open the DOS interface! Dir: list files and folders under the current directory md: create directory rd: delete directory cd: enter the specified directory cd..: return to the upper directory cd : return to the root directory

 Java interface - text coffee

Java interface Java Learning Notes

Wonder Zhou Reading (1833) Comments (0) Like( four )

1. Interface Concept An interface can be understood as a special class, consisting of global constants and public abstract methods. A class is a concrete implementation body, while an interface defines the specifications that a certain batch of classes need to follow. The interface does not care about the internal data of these classes or the implementation details of the methods in these classes. It only stipulates that certain methods must be provided in these classes. 2...

 Object class - text

Object class Java Learning Notes

Wonder Zhou Reading (1633) Comments (0) Like( two )

The Object class is the parent class of all classes. If a class does not inherit another class explicitly using the extends keyword, then this class inherits the Object class by default. The methods in the Object class are suitable for all subclasses. 1. The toString() method is defined in the Object class