The east wind doesn't come
The catkins don't fly in March

Must know must know

Some skills and skills for site building
 Website backdoor search tool recommendation - text coffee

Recommended website backdoor killing tools Necessary for building a station

Wonder Zhou Reading (3908) Comments (2) Like( nine )

As a small blogger, I definitely hate the backdoor code of blogs. Especially in the early days of the site, it is easy to have this problem when using non genuine themes for some reasons. However, some bad code vendors always like to attach labels such as perfect cracking and no backdoor to the source code of their own themes to attract small bloggers to buy, In fact, I don't know that it has added

 Interview Summary - Words

Interview summary

Wonder Zhou Reading (1695) Comments (3) Like( six )

What are the six states of threads? 1. Initial (NEW): A new thread object has been created, but the start() method has not been called. 2. RUNNABLE: Java threads generally refer to ready and running as "running". After thread object creation

 CentOS7 Installing LotServer Text

CentOS7 Installing LotServer

Wonder Zhou Reading (2951) Comments (0) Like( three )

A few days ago, I opened a Vultr machine and wrote about my feelings. To be honest, the Japanese computer room of Vultr is really broken. All kinds of problems can be pinged across the country. The xshell is not connected. I checked the port and found that port 22 was actually closed. As for the reason, the blogger is also in a muddle

 Debian8 Install the mongoDB database - Text Cafe

Debian8 Install the mongoDB database

Wonder Zhou Reading (2269) Comments (0) Like( three )

Because the weather is cold, the blogger is bored these days. He has to do something about PyOne to build a private online disk. Since the blogger uses Debian 8, and prefers to use Junge's one click lnmp, the Redis lnmp has already been integrated. You just need to manually install MongoDB

Linux basic commands (real-time update)

Wonder Zhou Reading (1808) Comments (0) Like( one )

Date: Display the time and date of the current system cal: Display the calendar of the current month df: View the current free space of the disk drive free: Display the available memory exit: End the terminal session pwd: Display the current working directory ls: List the contents of any directory cd: Change the current working directory (absolute path and relative path)

 VPS uses vlmcsd to build KMS activation server - Text Cafe

Use vlmcsd to build KMS activation server in VPS

Wonder Zhou Reading (3655) Comments (0) Like( zero )

I have read many articles about KMS before, and I always feel that the writing is a bit messy. Recently, I suddenly want to activate the system. I happen to have a VPS on hand, so I can simply build a KMS server myself. The method is very simple, and there is no technology to speak of. As long as I know a little Linux, I would like to! To build a server, you first need a VPS to build a vl on it