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The catkins don't fly in March

Slow blog loading after using DUX theme terms of settlement

Recently, I received feedback from my friends, saying that the self used DUX theme of Text Cafe is not as fast as before. Text Cafe found that there was a problem with js loading when checking its blog add in.

1. Problem description

Previously, the self used DUX theme of Text Cafe was started in seconds, but now it is a bit stuck, and the loading time is much longer than before. The optimization effect of using cache is not obvious!

2. Problem description

This is mainly caused by the previously added MathJax function of Literal Cafe. Because Literal Cafe directly calls the managed js file, but for some unknown reason, the js can no longer be called, resulting in slower loading.

3. Solution

Open the header.php file in the theme file directory, and delete the line of code in the head tag!

 <script type="text/javascript" src=" -MML-AM_CHTML"></script>
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Article name: The Problem of Slow Blog Loading After Using DUX Theme
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  1. #0

    Thank you for sharing, thank you webmaster!!

    Notes on Digging for Old Qin Three years ago (2021-01-14) Friends from China  Google Browser  Windows 10 reply
  2. #0


    Buddhist software Three years ago (2021-01-10) Friends from China  Google Browser  Mac OS X Lion 10_15_7 reply
  3. #0

    Yes, some time ago, someone also said that my website was too slow to load. Later, I checked and found that a section of js could not be loaded, which slowed down the speed. It would be better if I commented it out!

    Ordinary mind Four years ago (August 12, 2020) Friends from China  Google Browser  Windows 10 reply
    •  Wonder Zhou

      @ Ordinary mind Sure enough, it's better to put resources here. The previous Sina map bed is the best example...

      Wonder Zhou Four years ago (August 12, 2020) Friends from China  Google Browser  Windows 10 reply

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