The east wind doesn't come
The catkins don't fly in March

DUX6.4 self use optimized version is almost perfect Strongly recommended

At present, many kids want to make the version of DUX6.4 for their own use. Because the former student has been busy with graduation defense, the student really can't find the time to do this. The defense was completed a few days ago, which freed up time to make the version of DUX6.4. After two days of testing, no problems were found, and the functions of the previous version were integrated, so you can use it with confidence! As for the specific integration functions of previous versions, you can click the following link to view them!

DUX6.3 self use optimized version is almost perfect happy version Strongly recommended

Literal Cafe is a lazy person. It has been a while since DUX6.3 came out. Because I was busy with my graduation thesis, I had no time to upgrade my blog. In recent days, I always found that many blogs were in the water and an article was upgraded to DUX6.3. I was obsessed with obsessive-compulsive disorder and finally couldn't help but toss about upgrading

Time: 2020-05-02 Classification: WordPress Theme read: 1W+ Comments: eight

 DUX6.3 Self use Optimized Edition Almost Perfect Happy Edition - Literal Coffee

Updated contents of DUX theme 6.4:

  • New Baidu inclusion function, optional quick inclusion, default general inclusion (theme setting - Baidu inclusion)
  • The option of adding search keywords to match only the article title (topic setting - basic)
  • The new mobile terminal login or member center button is only effective when the member center is opened
  • New tab SEO title, keyword and description
  • New option to disable theme SEO function (theme setting SEO)
  • Add and remove short links in the source code of the article page
  • Click the blank area to close when starting the new search bullet layer
  • Optimize the display effect of Gutenberg editor background and foreground
  • Adjust the custom module displayed on the right by default when publishing articles
  • Adjust the display details of gadget aggregation articles and top recommendation, and do not display the default image when the article has no image
  • Adjust the className of the advertising position to avoid being blocked by the advertising plug-in
  • Adjust the width of the mailbox box on the mobile phone to avoid line breaking
  • Adjust the automatic switching interval of the home page rotation chart to 4.5 seconds
  • When there is only one rotation picture on the home page, it will not be broadcast again
  • Fix the problem that the title characters of relevant recommendations and comments are covered and truncated on the mobile phone
  • Delete Baidu bear palm function

DUX Theme 6.4 Self use Optimization Version Update Content:

For the version of DUX6.4, many updated functions have been improved. Text Cafe has integrated all practical functions of all previous versions, removed some impractical codes added previously, and beautified some functions such as Share.js. It feels really DUX!

Acquisition method

Same as the previous time, this version can only be obtained by paying: there are two payment methods:

1. Scan the following articles directly Reward QR code , just take a screenshot of the private message blogger!

Reward amount: ¥39.9

2. Children's shoes afraid of trouble can also be purchased through the purchase link below the article, without logging directly Alipay scanning code Buy!

matters needing attention

1. The theme is suitable for the crowd: children's shoes that love tossing and doing things, and should not be used in business occasions to cause unnecessary trouble!

2. Because the theme is replicable, no refund is accepted!

3. The blogger is also very busy. He does not accept the bargaining and goes straight to the theme. If you are the one, you are the one!

4. If you really like the theme of DUX, and your wallet is full, please support the genuine version!

5. I haven't published an article for a long time, and another article has been published...

Resource download price thirty-nine point nine element Pay immediately
Welcome to Literal Coffee( ), most of the resources on this site are collected from the network, please check the virus yourself after downloading! If any unit or individual thinks that the content of this website may be suspected of infringing their legitimate rights and interests, please give a timely written feedback and provide accurate personal identification, ownership certificate and detailed information proof. This website will remove relevant content as soon as possible after receiving the above documents. E-mail address of this website: 962506815 # Unless otherwise specified, all resource decompression passwords of the site are:
Like( twenty-three ) Reward
Copyright notice: This article is authorized by the Knowledge Sharing Attribution 4.0 International License Agreement [BY-NC-SA]
Article name: "Self use optimization version of DUX6.4 is almost perfect"
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The resources of this website are only for personal learning and exchange. Please delete them within 24 hours after downloading, and they are not allowed to be used for commercial purposes, otherwise the legal issues will be borne by yourself.

comment twenty

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  1. #0

    The website separator for this topic is' _ 'without spaces. How can I change it to' _ 'with spaces?

    itofun Three years ago (2021-04-15) Friends from China  Google Browser  Windows 7 reply
  2. #0

    It's not perfect. The original version 8 hours ago is not a problem. You still have a problem with this one

    Promise a lifetime Four years ago (2020-11-14) Friends from China  Google Browser  Windows 10 reply
    •  Wonder Zhou

      @ Promise a lifetime This time can be adjusted by yourself.

      Wonder Zhou Four years ago (2020-11-17) Friends from China  Google Browser  Windows 10 reply
      • @ Wonder Zhou Try dragging the latest comment on the home page and the article page at the same time, and you will know that you have set the time zone of ut+8?

        Promise a lifetime Four years ago (2020-11-17) Hong Kong  Google Browser  Windows 10 reply
  3. #0

    There is a bug. The registration function is disabled, but it can still be registered

    Funny Four years ago (2020-08-31) Friends from China  Google Browser   Android 8.0.0 LLD-AL00 Build/HONORLLD-AL00 reply
    • @ Funny Can this be solved

      Funny Four years ago (2020-08-31) Friends from China  Google Browser  Windows Server 2003 reply
      •  Wonder Zhou

        @ Funny There are a lot of tutorials on this website. It's very simple to search by yourself!

        Wonder Zhou Four years ago (2020-09-01) Friends from China  Google Browser  Windows 10 reply
  4. #0

    Is the domain name restricted?

    lxy1979 4 years ago (2020-08-30) Friends from China  Google Browser  Windows 10 reply
    •  Wonder Zhou

      @ lxy1979 There is no limit, eat at ease!

      Wonder Zhou 4 years ago (2020-08-30) Friends from China  Google Browser  Windows 10 reply
  5. #0

    The user center is wrong. Every time you log in, you need to log in again if you open the user center

    just Four years ago (2020-08-18) Friends from China  Google Browser   Android 8.0.0 LLD-AL00 Build/HONORLLD-AL00 reply
    •  Wonder Zhou

      @ just You should not have this problem if you directly use WordPress background login

      Wonder Zhou Four years ago (2020-08-18) Friends from China  Google Browser  Windows 10 reply
  6. #0

    Download learning

    pqx1p Four years ago (2020-07-09) Friends from China  Sogou browser  Windows 10 reply
    •  Wonder Zhou

      @ pqx1p Welcome

      Wonder Zhou Four years ago (2020-07-26) Friends from China  Google Browser  Windows 10 reply
  7. #0

    Can I upgrade to 6.4 for free when I buy version 6.3 of your website?

    Laoliang Four years ago (2020-07-04) Friends from China  Google Browser  Mac OS X 10_15_5 reply
  8. #0

    Laotie has to say that you are really excellent. In order to correct the bug of your popular tag, I learned CSS by myself one day and finally understood it. I was happy. I was a graduate program of design major, but I learned a new skill today, But I give you a suggestion about the theme. Some of the new features you added are very powerful, but for some of the new color modules you added, it's really not flattering and a bit fancy for the web design

    one hundred and twenty-three thousand one hundred and twenty-three Four years ago (2020-06-19) Friends from China  Sogou browser  Windows 7 reply
  9. #0
     Wonder Zhou

    Limited time offer, please chat privately with the blogger!

    Wonder Zhou 4 years ago (2020-06-06) Friends from China  Google Browser  Windows 10 reply
  10. #0

    Can you give me both the modified version and the original version? I need to compare the modified theme

    Buddhist software 4 years ago (2020-06-06) Friends from China  Google Browser  Mac OS X 10_15_5 reply

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