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GeekUninstaller is a very useful uninstaller Necessary for installation

GeekUninstaller is a free professional software removal tool. It is a professional software removal tool tailored for "geeks". It takes up little space to ensure that there is no residue in the uninstallation, and the system running speed will not decline at all. It is quiet and has no pop ups. Unlike some unloading tools, it is either charging or various pop ups, and it is really easy to use, Basically, once used, it is inseparable!


1. GeekUninstaller is a free professional uninstall software with a volume of about 1.7M.

2. It has many outstanding functions, which can ensure that there is no residual unloading, and the system running speed will not decline at all.

3. It also has the function of forced uninstallation. It comes with multi language files and supports Chinese.

Update log [11 September 2019] – Fixed calculation of total occupied space of all apps. Small improvements [17 May 2019] – Fixed occupied space calculation for some apps [17 April 2019] – Fixed certain AV false positives [24 March 2019] – Minor Windows 10 improvements [6 December 2018] – Fixed icons detection of some Windows Store Apps [17 October 2018] – Fixed hanging of the app on some machines (caused by the new compiler) [15 October 2018] – Minor Windows XP fixes, switched to VS2017 [21 February 2018] – New icon, even smaller download size [15 February 2018] – Even better app size optimization [11 February 2018] – Optimized the app size

Download address

Baidu online disk: Extraction code: s98n
Official website link:

matters needing attention

There are two official versions of this software. If there is no special requirement, the free version is enough, The so-called cracking professional version is not recommended , online resources will inevitably have trojans, which has avoided unnecessary losses; It wastes time. This uninstall tool itself is intended to reduce the manual search and deletion of the left garbage files. It is meaningless to waste too much time on an uninstall tool!

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Article name: GeekUninstaller: A Very Useful Uninstaller
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The resources of this website are only for personal learning and exchange. Please delete them within 24 hours after downloading, and they are not allowed to be used for commercial purposes, otherwise the legal issues will be borne by yourself.

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