The east wind doesn't come
The catkins don't fly in March

Self built Netease Cloud Music Server with UnblockNeteaseMusic Release Netease Cloud music copyright restrictions

1. UnblockNeteaseMusic

Unlocking Netease Cloud Music Client grays out songs
Github address:

2. Characteristics

  • Use Netease Cloud's old chain/QQ/Xiami/Baidu/Kugou/Kuwo/Gomi/JOOX audio source to replace the grayed out song link (only the first four are enabled by default)
  • Add X-Real-IP parameters to the request to unlock overseas restrictions, support specifying Netease ECS IP, and support setting upstream HTTP/HTTPS proxy
  • Complete traffic proxy function (HTTP/HTTPS), which can be directly used as the system proxy (also supports PAC)

3. Installation

Preparation materials: one server with external network IP or one VPS

1. Install Nodejs

 #Debian/Ubuntu system curl -sL  | bash - apt install -y nodejs git  #CentOS system curl -sL  | bash - yum install nodejs git -y

2. Run UnblockNeteaseMusic

 git clone cd UnblockNeteaseMusic node app.js

The default running port is 8080. If you want to modify the value corresponding to config.port in the app.js file, you can edit it, or use the command:

 #Modify 4567 by default and adjust it by yourself node app.js -p 4567

be careful: Newbies are advised to use the default 8080 port, because the "Boot Automatically" and "Firewall Settings" at the end of the article are both the default 8080 port!

One more can be added here -s The parameter limits the proxy range to prevent abuse, that is, only requests for the domain name of NetEase Cloud Music can be released. However, it is limited when used, and only supports PAC or Hosts.

 node app.js -s

be careful: This tool is not recommended because it is for your own use -s Parameter limit!

3. Start up automatically

The Systemd process daemon is used here, which is only applicable to CentOS 7, Debian 8+, Ubuntu 16+, etc.

 #Modify the ExecStartPre source code path, and then copy it to SSH to run cat > /etc/systemd/system/UnblockNeteaseMusic.service <<EOF [Unit] Description=UnblockNeteaseMusic [Service] Type=simple PIDFile=/var/run/ WorkingDirectory=/root/UnblockNeteaseMusic ExecStart=/usr/bin/node app.js RestartPreventExitStatus=23 Restart=always [Install] EOF

Start and start automatically:

 systemctl start UnblockNeteaseMusic systemctl enable UnblockNeteaseMusic

If there is no Systemd, such as CentOS 6, Debian 7, etc., use rc.local directly, and use the command:

 #Self modification of paths and commands sed -i '/exit/d' /etc/rc.local echo "cd /root/UnblockNeteaseMusic && node app.js" >> /etc/rc.local

4. Usage

1. Android system:

 #Setting method Phone settings>WLAN>Network settings>Advanced options>Proxy Generally, there are two types of proxy settings for Android phones, manual proxy and automatic proxy. Some phones may only have manual proxy, and the general settings are as follows: Manual proxy>Just fill in your server IP and port. Automatic proxy>just fill in your PAC address, address: http://<Server Name:PORT>/proxy.pac , change to your IP and running port.

If you find that it cannot be used after setting or there are other network problems, bring -s You can remove the parameters and try again.

2. Windows system:

 #Setting method Netease Cloud Client Settings>Tools>Custom Proxy>HTTP Proxy Here you just need to fill in your server IP and port, and save it.

5. Frequently asked questions

1. Firewall settings

In general, the CentOS firewall also needs to open the running port, such as 8080 port used by bloggers. Use the command:

 #CentOS 6 iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 8080 -j ACCEPT service iptables save service iptables restart #CentOS 7 firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8080/tcp --permanent firewall-cmd --reload

2. Android is used with Xndroid tool

Only the usage method under Android WLAN is mentioned above. Here is an additional usage method under mobile data. It is recommended to cooperate with Xndroid tool. The general settings are as follows:

 Open Xndroid>click Fqrouter on the left>add personal agent (just fill in the server ip and port)>agent list configuration item (turn off all advanced settings)>agent settings in the upper right corner of the software (only proxy NetEase Cloud music)

After setting, you can also turn off all startup items in xx net and fqrouter in the startup settings in the upper right corner, which will enable the software much faster.

Use UnblockNeteaseMusic to play copyrightless songs on Netease Cloud Music client

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Copyright notice: This article is authorized by the Knowledge Sharing Attribution 4.0 International License Agreement [BY-NC-SA]
Article name: Self built Netease Cloud Music Server Using UnblockNeteaseMusic
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The resources of this website are only for personal learning and exchange. Please delete them within 24 hours after downloading, and they are not allowed to be used for commercial purposes, otherwise the legal issues will be borne by yourself.

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    How can I use iOS with 4g?

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      @ lulu123 Never used IOS...

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