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VPS logs in using the SSH key Basic skills necessary for building a station

I wrote an article about Playing firewall is enough. It's not that difficult This article mainly tells some children's shoes that the reasonable use of firewalls can play a defensive role!

This article mainly talks about VPS login using SSH keys. Usually, after VPS or the server is enabled, it directly provides IP, port and root passwords. This login method is password login. If you do not install software like DenyHosts to prevent SSH password cracking, the login password can be easily cracked by force!

The SSH key login uses an asymmetric encryption algorithm to verify the login. To put it simply, first create a pair of keys, one of which is the private key stored in the local device, and the other is the public key, which is sent to your VPS. The reason why it is called a key pair is that messages encrypted with the public key can only be decrypted with the corresponding private key. So when connecting to the SSH server, the client software will send a request to the server to use the client's key for security verification. After receiving the request, the server first looks for the shared key in the user's root directory, and then compares it with the sent public key. If the two keys are consistent, the server encrypts the "challenge" with the public key and sends it to the client software (putty, xshell, etc.). After the client receives the challenge, it can decrypt it with the local private key and then send it to the server, which is quite secure.

1. Generate key pair

 ssh-keygen -t rsa Enter file in which to save the key (/root/. ssh/id_rsa) Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): enter the password (if left blank, enter directly) Enter same password again:

At this time, two files are generated in the/root/. ssh/directory, id_rsa is the private key, and is the public key. The private key is downloaded to the local computer for safekeeping (you can't log in again if you lose the server). For security, it is recommended to delete the private key on the server side.

2. Import KEY file

 cat /root/.ssh/ >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys

3. Modify the SSH configuration file/etc/ssh/sshd_config

 RSAAuthentication yes PubkeyAuthentication yes AuthorizedKeysFile .ssh/authorized_keys PasswordAuthentication no

4. Restart the SSH service

After completing the modification of the above configuration file, restart the SSH service, log in using SSH KEY, and restart the SSH service as follows:

 #CentOS system service sshd restart #Debian/Ubuntu system service ssh restart

After restarting, you can no longer log in with the account password. Interested students can try again, and the login failure will be displayed!

5. Log in using SSH KEY through Xshell

The method of use is simple. The IP port number remains unchanged. The places you need to change are shown in the following figure:

be careful:
1. The "user key" indicated by the arrow in the picture is the id_rsa private key file downloaded from the server in the step of "generating key pair", which is why you can keep the private key properly!
2. The "Password" indicated by the arrow in the picture is the password entered in the step of "Generate Key Pair"!

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    There is no password entered in the generated key. You can't log in to XSHELL

    five million seven hundred and ninety-five thousand five hundred and sixteen Four years ago (2020-11-20) Singapore  Google Browser  Windows 10 reply

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