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Some Opinions on WordPress Pseudo Static

A few days ago, I was thinking about whether to use pseudo static for blogs and whether to use custom URLs /%post_id%.html Structure, mainly used before /%post_id% If the structure is changed now, the content previously included in the search engine will become 404 error when opened. It has been tangled here for a long time, but finally it is used /%post_id%.html Structure!

To talk about pseudo static, we should first say what is static.

"In website design, pages in pure HTML format are often referred to as" static pages ". Early websites were generally made of static pages. Compared with dynamic web pages, static web pages refer to web pages without background database, program and interaction. It is difficult to update such pages, because you can display what you have written before. If you want to add or modify content, you must readjust the front code of this page, so it is difficult to update things!

What is pseudo static?

As we all know, WordPress generally adopts php+sql, because there is interaction with the database, and it is not a static web page. Dynamic web pages often need to input parameters, so the address link is often wenzika. com/abc. php? The format of a=1&b=2, but the WordPress fixed link option can set the link format of the web page. The URL format similar to the static page can be achieved by adding an. html suffix, which is called pseudo static.

Why use pseudo static?

Because when a search engine encounters a link with a question mark, it may fall into an endless loop because of the question mark. So we can clearly see in the white paper published by Baidu that Baidu supports and advocates pseudo static. Most bloggers use pseudo static to improve the efficiency of website collection.

One additional point here is that the pseudo static page is compared with the real static page. Its advantage is that static pages do not need to be generated by the whole site, and the utilization rate of server space can be greatly reduced. However, it should be noted that pseudo static uses regular judgment instead of real address, and the responsibility of identifying which page to display is also transferred from direct designation to CPU judgment. Therefore, the increase of CPU occupancy is also the biggest disadvantage of pseudo static, so the background or member center does not need to do pseudo static, Just make the parts that need SEO pseudo static.

This article is just some personal opinions of the blogger, please do not read it too separately!

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  1. #0

    If you change it, it should jump automatically

    Post station Five years ago (April 10, 2019) Friends from China  Google Browser  Windows 10 reply
    •  Wonder Zhou

      @ Post station I don't know where to set this...

      Wonder Zhou Five years ago (April 10, 2019) Friends from China  Google Browser  Windows 10 reply
      • @ Wonder Zhou I remember that the official theme will automatically jump after changing the link form. You can see

        VPS station Five years ago (April 11, 2019) Friends from China  Google Browser  Windows 10 reply

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