Solve the problem that the wp-cron.php file of the WordPress program occupies a large amount of memory

Hot text Solve the problem that the wp-cron.php file of the WordPress program occupies a large amount of memory

This afternoon, a netizen told him that his website could not be opened. Then he saw that the load on the background of the pagoda panel was very high, and helped him solve this problem. I see that the load and CPU are very heavy, and his website has no traffic. From the log, we can see that the Wp-cron.php file is grabbed quite a lot. It should be a problem with this file. I directly sent it to

 Wordpress regularly releases "Read the World in 60 Seconds a Day and Automatically Update". Regular collection of lead spiders can reach minute level

Hot text Wordpress regularly releases "Read the World in 60 Seconds a Day and Automatically Update". Regular collection of lead spiders can reach minute level

I found a blog that regularly publishes Reading the World in 60 Seconds a Day every day. I found that similar content seems to be well included. I collected it for a period of time. The effect is really good, and it can often reach the minute level, but that blog is much better!!! The following code is a careful study of wordpress article related tables and words yesterday