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25 of the Best Digital Marketing Tools To Use In 2024

“It’s best to have your tools with you. If you don’t, you’re apt to find something you didn’t expect and get discouraged.” That’s a quote by Stephen King, and while he was talking about writing, his words are equally applicable to marketing — particularly digital marketing .

You don’t want to be stuck trying to manage all your online marketing with no tools at your disposal. Thankfully, there’s no shortage of digital marketing tools available online.

When you assemble the right toolbox, your marketing campaigns will become far easier to manage, and you’ll be equipped to handle most issues you encounter. But which tools will benefit you the most?

Below, we’ve assembled a list of the 25 best digital marketing tools for your business in 2024. Those tools are divided up into the following categories:

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SEO tools

To start off our list, we have five tools that can help you improve your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts. To be more specific, each of these tools helps with SEO analytics and research. Keep reading for an overview of each one!

1. Google Analytics

Google Analytics is one of the most essential digital marketing tools to include in your arsenal. As one of Google’s free tools, Analytics allows you to track activity on your website and observe patterns in organic traffic. Setting up Analytics is simply a matter of creating an account and adding a piece of code to your website.

 Google Analytics dashboard

From there, you can view data on how much traffic your site is getting, where it’s coming from, and where most of it is going. Then you can use your findings to determine which campaigns, strategies, and pages are most valuable to you. When you need help figuring out which marketing materials to optimize, Google Analytics can be a lifesaver.

2. Google Trends

If you’re looking for content marketing ideas, Google Trends is the Internet marketing tool for you. Google Trends lets you see what keywords — that is, search terms — are gaining the most traffic in Google.

You can use Trends to learn what keywords in your industry people are searching for the most. For example, if you run a pest control business, you could look up the keyword “pest control,” and then scroll down to “Related queries” to see what related keywords are popular.

 A screenshot of Google Trend related topics and related queries for the keyword pest control

You can also see when certain keywords are popular, so you know the best time to write for them. From there, you can write blog posts or other pieces of content focused on those keywords, allowing you to better attract users to your site.

3. Ahrefs

Ahrefs is one of the best digital marketing tools available for improving your web traffic. It comes with a variety of SEO features you can use to your advantage. Those features include:

  • Keyword research
  • Search traffic estimations
  • Search engine results history analysis
  • Link prospects
  • And more!

One of Ahrefs’ biggest features is its competitive analysis. You can use it to look at your competitors’ backlinks , see which searches their pages are ranking for in Google, and sniff out key weaknesses in their content. Ahrefs’ marketing platform can also alert you to broken backlinks leading to your site, so you can quickly resolve the issue.

 Video of Ahrefs dashboard showing organized data

Want a quick tool for checking a page you’re currently viewing? Ahrefs has a Chrome extension that you can use!

4. PageSpeed Insights

Did you know that 83% of all Internet users expect web pages to load in three seconds or less? Three seconds may not seem like much, but in the world of page load speeds , it’s practically an eternity — and if your site takes longer than that to load, most users will hit the “back” button.

But how do you know when your site’s page speeds need work, as well as how to improve them? The answer is Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool. PageSpeed Insights — yet another free online marketing tool from Google — lets you input your URL so it can score you on your page speeds.

 Data from KRS Comics showing how their website loads quickly

When you enter your site’s URL, you’ll receive a score somewhere between zero and 100, along with recommendations for how to optimize your load times. You can get a score for both desktop and mobile.

5. KeywordsFX

If you use SEO as part of your digital marketing strategy, you know how crucial it is to find relevant keywords for your pages. That’s why one of the most important digital marketing tools you need is a keyword research tool — like KeywordsFX .

 KeywordsFX tool with a search bar to search terms

KeywordsFX is a free keyword suggestion tool that helps you identify relevant keywords to integrate into your website. All you need is a starting keyword that you can plug into the search bar, and you’ll generate a list of relevant terms.

This tool provides you with questions related to the keywords, which you can use as ideas for content.

KeywordsFX is a great tool to use to generate a list of keywords you can integrate into your website to help you rank in more relevant search results.

Web design tools

For the next batch of tools on our list, we’ll be looking at platforms that can help you improve your web design . Read on to learn more about each one.

6. Hotjar

Next on this list of the best digital marketing tools is Hotjar . Hotjar is a heat mapping tool that enables you to better understand how people interact with your website.

 Homepage for Hotjar

With Hotjar, you can see where people engage on your website, what gets overlooked, and what features drive people to convert. This digital marketing tool also comes with a recording feature that enables you to see a real person’s interaction with your website, so you can identify points of friction.

You can also use Hotjar to get feedback from your audience, conduct surveys, and more.

This tool is a great addition to your martech stack if you want to improve your website to drive more revenue for your business.

7. Typeform

To continue on this list of top digital marketing tools, take a look at Typeform . If you use forms on your website, Typeform can help you create forms that are more elegant and functional to drive better results for your business.

 Homepage for Typeform

Typeform can help you create anything from sign-ups to feedback forms to referrals. They offer dozens of templates to help you get started with creating your forms .

This tool is a great addition to your marketing toolbelt if you want to increase submissions and sales for your business.

8. Venngage

If you create data-filled graphics on your website, you’ll want to use Venngage . Venngage is a tool that helps you create sleek and professional presentations of data on your website.

 Venngage tab on infographics

Venngage can help you create:

Venngage provides you with over 7000 professional templates to help you build your graphics. Their user-friendly editor enables you to integrate icons, photos, and other visuals to make your graphics eye-catching.

This digital marketing tool is a great option if you want a simple way to create data presentations for your website and beyond.

9. Unbounce

If you run paid ads as part of your marketing strategy , you’ll want to check out Unbounce . Unbounce is a landing page generator that helps you create and test conversion-worthy landing pages that boost sales.

 Homepage for Unbounce

This landing page builder harnesses the power of AI to help you build the perfect landing page. It can help you create custom pages, generate copywriting for those pages, and customize the landing pages users see to generate better results.

You can create landing pages for search ads , social ads , and emails. Unbounce makes it easy to build your landing pages so you can start driving better results.

With Unbounce, you create landing pages that help you collect leads, earn more form submissions, and sell more products.

Multimedia tools

No matter what kind of marketing campaign you’re running, it can be helpful to include multimedia like images and videos. These five tools are great for helping you create and display that media.

10. Canva

One of the best digital marketing tools for multimedia creation is Canva . With Canva, you can create stunning graphics for your marketing materials that help you build your business’s brand.

Canva enables you to create everything from presentations to social media posts to flyers. They provide you with dozens of templates to help you get the style you like, or you can create them from scratch.

 Canva editing page showing a picture with blue sky, hills, and clouds

This digital marketing tool provides you with everything you need to create custom marketing items for your company. You can use their premade graphics, shapes, and stickers to create promotional materials to market your business.

11. Loom

If you’re looking for a better way to communicate with your team, Loom is the answer. Loom helps you bring simplicity to team meetings, project explanations, and more.

 Homepage for Loom

With Loom, you can create videos explaining how to do a specific task. This tool enables you to record your screen and walk your team through the steps. It’s a great resource that your team members can keep referring back to as they continue working on a project.

Additionally, Loom can help you cut down on time-consuming meetings. If you don’t want to disrupt your team’s productivity with a meeting, you can use Loom to create an engaging and informative video that covers everything your team needs to know. Then, they can watch the video when they have time.

Loom is a great solution if you’re looking to improve productivity with your team while creating an easy way to pass along important information about marketing projects and tasks.

12. Wistia

If you want to add videos to your website, one of the best digital marketing tools to add to your stack is Wistia . Wistia is a video hosting tool that enables you to polish up your videos and integrate them into your website to create a more engaging experience.

 Homepage for Wistia

When you use this video hosting software , you’ll gain access to editing tools that enable you to trim and edit your videos to make them more professional. Wistia also has a screen and webcam recording feature that enables you to create step-by-step videos of your business’s processes.

When you host your videos on Wistia, you can customize your video player for your website. It’s an easy way for you to ensure your videos fit your website’s design.

Wistia makes it easy for you to embed videos into your website. You can choose your embedded code type, copy, and paste!

This video hosting software makes it easy for you to add videos to your website to boost engagement.

13. Demio

Are you using webinars as a marketing strategy for your business or thinking about using webinars ? If so, check out Demio . Demio enables you to create more engaging events that lead to increased leads and revenue.

 Homepage for Demio

This digital marketing tool features numerous audience-engaging elements, like polls and handouts, to create more interactions during webinars. This software also helps you create emails to promote your webinars and increase attendance.

Additionally, Demio provides a live chat function that webinar hosts can use to ask questions and engage with viewers.

Management and automation tools

Some of the most helpful digital marketing tools out there are the ones that help you manage all of the different tasks, projects, and data you have to keep up with while you build your campaigns. Listed below are four of those tools.

14. Trello

To continue on this list of the top digital marketing tools, let’s take a look at Trello . Trello is a task management tool that helps your team stay organized.

 Homepage for Trello

When you have multiple marketing projects happening at once, it’s difficult to keep track of what’s happening and who’s working on different tasks. Trello can help you organize your team and keep track of different projects.

With Trello, you can create boards to organize the flow of your tasks. Within each board, you can create cards that show different steps or projects . You can include all the important task information on these cards to keep your information organized.

You can also assign cards to each person on your team, so everyone knows their responsibilities and who to collaborate with on their tasks.

Looking for more tools to help you turn your marketing team into a smoothly operating powerhouse? Check out our resource about top marketing work management platforms .

15. MarketingCloudFX

Looking for a single platform that can handle multiple facets of your digital marketing ? MarketingCloudFX is the answer!

 digital channels icons

Designed and offered exclusively by WebFX, MarketingCloudFX combines a wide variety of features into one comprehensive digital marketing software . Here are some of the things you can do through MarketingCloudFX:

To gain access to all that MarketingCloudFX has to offer, just partner with WebFX today!

16. Nutshell

Need help managing your customer information? Nutshell is one of the top digital marketing tools for managing customer data and building relationships that help you boost revenue.

 Homepage for Nutshell

This CRM platform helps you track crucial data about prospective clients, from their job title to their pain points. If you have a longer sales cycle and need to continually engage with prospects to turn them into clients, this tool is the one you need.

Nutshell enables you to automate lead nurturing tasks, prioritize and rank leads, and create embeddable forms. You can also get fully customized reports to gain insight into what’s working and where you need to make adjustments.

17. Zendesk

Providing top-notch customer service is crucial for ensuring that you keep people coming back and buying from your business. Zendesk is one of the top digital marketing tools for helping businesses nurture their customer relationships and keep up with customer data.

 Homepage for Zendesk

This digital marketing tool provides you with a ticketing system to help manage customers. It makes it easy for you to stay organized when addressing and solving customer problems. Additionally, Zendesk will route the tickets to the best customer service agent for the job to ensure a positive customer service experience .

Zendesk will also help you create a customer help center to enable customers to solve problems on their own without having to speak to an agent. It makes it easy for customers to get the information they need fast, so they can make decisions quicker.

If you want to manage your customer service, Zendesk is a great tool to help you do it.

Artificial intelligence tools

Today, artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the way companies approach their marketing. There are a variety of ways you can use AI, and a variety of tools to help you do it. Here are just a few of the AI tools that companies get the most benefit from.

18. ChatGPT

As technology continues to develop, AI is taking a more prominent role in helping businesses complete tasks efficiently and with ease. One of the most popular digital marketing tools that uses AI is ChatGPT .

ChatGPT operates like a chatbox ­–– You ask it questions or give it a prompt and ChatGPT responds with the information you need.

This digital marketing tool is versatile, so you can use it to help you generate ideas for numerous aspects of your digital marketing. ChatGPT can help you conduct content research, create Instagram captions , and figure out how to code something on your website.

 ChatGPT chatbox with a query about creating an Instagram caption and a response from ChatGPT

It’s a great tool to use if you find yourself stuck for ideas when it comes to your website and marketing.

19. DALL·E

DALL·E , like ChatGPT, is a generative AI tool. But whereas ChatGPT generates text, DALL·E generates images. In fact, it’s one of the original AI image generators, though it’s been significantly upgraded in the years since its debut.

The function of this tool is simple — you just type in a prompt describing the type of image you want it to generate, and then it produces a result for you. Businesses can use this to help them generate things like blog post header images. However, be careful — copyright laws around AI-generated images are fuzzy at best.

20. Otter AI

Otter is an AI-powered meeting assistant tool. You can use it to transcribe video calls you participate in, allowing you to go back afterward and find specific parts of the conversation or reread the whole thing if you missed the actual meeting.

You can also use Otter to take notes during the meeting, send follow-up emails after it ends, and more. It’s a great tool for helping you better organize information that’s discussed during video calls and sort through it at will.

Email tools

Email marketing is a vital part of any digital marketing strategy, and it’s also one of the best strategies for using digital tools to help you excel. Here are three different email marketing management tools you can use!

21. MailChimp

MailChimp is one of the best-known email marketing tools out there, probably because it’s also one of the most useful. The basic purpose of MailChimp is to create email newsletters. It’s particularly aimed at ecommerce companies, and it integrates with platforms like Shopify and WooCommerce.

One of the big benefits of MailChimp is that it lets you take advantage of email templates, and those templates are highly customizable. You can also automate the process of sending out your emails, and you can track the results of your email campaigns.

22. Constant Contact

Constant Contact is another widely liked email management platform that you can benefit from using in your marketing efforts. Here are just some of the things it can do for you:

  • Track the results of your email campaigns in real time
  • Automate a variety of different email types
  • Integrate with platforms like Outlook and Salesforce
  • Segment your email subscribers into different groups
  • And more!

Like MailChimp, Constant Contact is particularly useful for ecommerce companies, with features to help you promote products and coupons through your online store.

23. Litmus

Finally, we have Litmus . Perhaps the best feature of Litmus is that it lets you test your emails across a wide variety of formats, platforms, and devices. That means you can quickly figure out where your emails perform best. Litmus also helps you spot errors in your emails, like broken links.

As part of its testing capabilities, Litmus provides detailed analytics about all of the emails you send out. You can track metrics like which devices are used to open which emails, how many times an email is forwarded, and more.

Other digital marketing tools

To wrap up our list, we have a couple of digital marketing tools that don’t fit neatly into any of the above categories. Keep reading to learn about each one!

24. Buffer

If you’re looking for a comprehensive social media management tool to add to your digital marketing systems, Buffer might be the best choice for you. Buffer allows you to manage the content on your social media accounts and track the accounts’ performance.

 Buffer tool showing posts scheduled for social media

One major feature of Buffer is that it allows you to create social media calendars . That means you can create posts in advance and schedule them to go live at specific times, so new posts can appear on your account even when you’re working on something else.

Buffer will also let you track the performance of your social media campaigns by showing you metrics such as return on investment (ROI) and conversion rate . You can also use it to keep up with mentions of your brand on social media.

25. Grammarly

Need a digital marketing tool that helps your content sound better? Check out Grammarly.

 Grammarly homepage promoting their tool

Whether you create blog posts or copywriting for your website , you want to ensure that what you put out flows and sounds professional. Grammarly helps you clean up your writing by identifying any issues and providing suggestions to fix them.

This tool can help you choose better words, improve your phrasing, and cut down on fluffy or repeated sentences.

You can also use GrammarlyGo , a text-generative AI tool that helps you create copy for anything, from emails to website content.

P.S. Don’t miss to try the tool , another valuable addition to your SEO toolkit — the all-in-one solution for SEO checking, tracking rankings, and monitoring competitors.

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To get started with us, just give us a call at 888-601-5359 or contact us online today!

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