"Start from scratch" I'm ready to go it alone -- how do you get a list of necessary process experience as a recent solo entrant? I hope you can give me some advice

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As a boutique operator who has been in business for nearly 6 years, I can be said to be an old bird. Recently, the idea of going it alone has been emerging in my mind, and I'm struggling.

Let me start with my situation: I have been operating boutiques for 6 years. Last year, I also gave training to others, especially for advertising. In this industry career, my performance was not bad in the industry, and I also worked as a supervisor for a short time. My personality is not suitable for being a management. I have also operated stores from 0-1, and I did not lose money from beginning to end to push new links to new stores. Links can make profits in the second month and achieve 400 monthly sales. The average conversion of advertising has reached 300%. The purpose of this is that I think Amazon is relatively experienced in its operations. There is basically no problem in selecting products, advertising, operations, and mapping. I plan to do it in a small way, but the investment will not be very large. To be honest, because there is not enough funds, there is only tens of thousands of funds at present. Due to the recent success rate, I feel that I can do it in a small tens of thousands of dollars (although it is very likely that I will be slapped).
Here, I would like to ask you about the following aspects:
1. Registered company: do the seniors choose to go back to their hometown to register their house (if they go back to their hometown to register a company, do they need to go back in person), how much the registered capital is written, and whether the personnel composition is a sole proprietorship or a joint venture;
2. What should be paid attention to besides the business license, such as credit card and tax declaration;
3. In terms of trademarks: if we consider those with a more refined orientation (we have stabilized another category, but we have not thought about it yet), which category will be better for trademark registration; What should we pay attention to when registering a trademark?
4. If seniors consider small products. If the cost is less than 30 yuan and the initial cost is less than 3 yuan, how much will the startup fund need to run.
The seniors who need to work alone or are ready to work alone can learn from each other
As a former entrepreneur who has died on the beach, I can only remind you a few words:
1. Business license @ Evan
2. Be sure to research the products and profits first, and then resign and start to do it. Think of yourself as an investor, and make yourself as difficult as possible. Be sure to prepare all details first, and it is better to record them in words or forms
3. If you have a suitable partner or investor, you must do business, be clear about public and private affairs, and make contracts for major and minor matters. Even if you spend money on contracts, no matter how good the feelings are, even if you have saved your life, you must put the scandal in front. Business must be done, details must be in place, and decision-making power must be in hand or in large proportion
4. Finance should also choose people who are familiar with it. Never give all the financial authority to others. If you know nothing about finance
5. Combine all available funds, and leave 20% to 30% as the reserve fund for risk resistance, because accidents will happen. For Amazon, time is money. With reserve funds on hand, losses can be reduced at the first time
It is said that the end of Amazon is to go it alone, but many of the solo players I know have failed, and only a few have succeeded. Most of the few successful people are rich and can support them to try and make mistakes. The other part also has its own resources, such as factories, such as information channels, such as product channels, Only a few of them are small, big or slow, otherwise entrepreneurship will not be so difficult.
Those failed Amazon entrepreneurs generally did not fall on Amazon itself, but fell elsewhere.
Finally, I wish you success and set a successful example for many Amazon people who want to work alone!

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