How do I achieve the sales volume of old links from 0 to nearly 200 within 30 days?

Posting 11 times Topped 5 times Recommended once Quality points: 1 star 55 post reply interactions Historical exchange heat 7.88% Historical communication depth 0%
Foreword: This is an old link, which has had a sales record for at least one year. Due to star decline, stock out, malicious complaints of competing products and other reasons, this link has only 10 or so orders a day, up from more than 100 orders a day. Because there are many stocks, the peak period is close to more than 4000 stocks, and the inventory cost is high, it is urgent to re hit the link.

Re typing time: the link will be re started in the middle of March this year.
By April 10, it had broken 100. There is no large amount of scalping, no off-site discount, so what is the operation done? Let this link come back to life in 30 days? Then look down.
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1. Redetermined the operation strategy -- refurbishment

I gave up the existing comment base and weight. Instead of optimizing the old links, I directly renovated the links into new ones (don't ask me whether the renovation violates the rules, I did. I think it is better to use the fastest speed to realize the new links rather than die).

2. The price of Dingyuan is 20% higher than the market price

The average market price is only $19 to $24. I directly raised the price to $49.99, and then used the large coupon traffic and Prime member discount price to get a price no less than 30% of my profit. I noticed the latest policy of Coupon in March this year. Many competitors have been afraid to open more than 20% of Coupon. Therefore, we must seize the traffic portal of Coupon. I directly set a high price, and then directly opened Coupon to 25%. It is the largest Coupon in the whole category. In the keyword search page, no one has Coupon. At this time, my big Coupon is particularly prominent. It will undoubtedly increase click through rate and conversion rate.

3. Redesigned at least 10 main drawings and A

I have set such a high price. If I want to make the buyer feel that the price is worth more than the price, I must work hard on the main picture. Besides, the category has about $49 for sale, and the sales are very good. Then I have to design a very awesome main picture. Therefore, the artist worked overtime, designed and replaced at least 10 versions of the master map, and finally got a version of the master map with an extremely high conversion rate.

The specific main picture cannot be disclosed to you. Let me give some examples.

How to get the main map with high conversion rate? Please look at the following competitor's disassembly: I take the category of shoe rack as an example:
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Of the 4 companies in the above screenshot, which one do you think is better in the main picture? No doubt it should be the first, right.

So I learned from other excellent sellers, and put some small elements on the main map to increase the click rate of the product.

They are also made of bamboo, and the click rate of shoe racks with small elements will definitely be higher than that of empty ones., The first one is decorated with small flowers, and the shoes on the shelf are in bright colors., The placement angle is also very clear at a glance.

Look at his pictures:
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The seller said directly how many pairs of shoes can be put, without using dry size description;
They also describe the size. This company directly says how big it is multiplied by how big it is. Personally, I think the description of the size may be better.

Then look at his description of materials,
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This company said that the material is environmentally friendly, but the other one did not highlight the material. Many people pay attention to environmental protection in foreign countries, and the material may also be environmentally friendly. Do you remember

There is a special place in the category traffic: clinate pledge friendly
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Since there is such a traffic portal, it is advisable to add one more selling point.
As for the disassembly of pictures, I will not disassemble them one by one. You can use the mapping software or tables to take down your opponent's ASIN and disassemble them one by one. Disassemble the opponent's material description, size expression, angle, light, layout, outstanding selling points, etc. A is the same. Copy the opponent's A, look at it one by one, analyze it one by one, and see what selling points, attribute words, and core words he has buried in it.
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Scene extension: It can also be used as a green plant shelf.
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This is the disassembly of another category on another site. All the screenshots are for example to facilitate everyone's understanding. The data has no reference:
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You can disassemble them according to your competitors. At the end of the disassembly, you will find out where the words are buried at a glance.
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Disassemble the top 10 of the new product list, the top 10 of the collection list, and the top 20 to 30

Later, you will find that ASIN, which is not only in the top list, but also in the new product list, and also in the collection list, should pay special attention to it. Record it and analyze its operation methods. Later, you can also target it for category advertising or ASIN advertising. The sharing of dismantling rivals will not be carried out here if there is a chance to share them later.
Finally, we get a complete picture optimization table (excellent material library). I have a clear idea of what points to optimize later.

In this way, our optimization of listing is based on the performance excellence of our competitors, rather than modifying links at will.

Let me summarize the core of image optimization:
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After optimizing the picture, we will optimize the listing description.

4. Describe listing with high conversion rate

----Re bury words and re optimize details that were not paid attention to before-------

For example:

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For example, for these sellers, if some buyers pay attention to load-bearing, but do not mention load-bearing in the description, wouldn't it be necessary to increase customer service?

Other examples will not be mentioned. You can read them according to the previous post I wrote about the blockbuster, and compare them with those that can be improved

The post is here:
I have written before: the construction of keyword vocabulary, you can take a look

The vocabulary tutorial is here:
I reorganized and updated the keyword list, and made a new keyword list.

According to the keyword thesaurus, 10 lists were uploaded, with different titles and selling points, and the order of embedding words was confused
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After the link is completed, the next day the link will be put on the shelf: copy the link to the front desk, and use the software to check the inclusion of each link.

How to check the inclusion: put the words in the glossary into the search box to check the inclusion. The seller wizard I use here, you can also use H10 or other software are OK.  
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Select the one with the best collection, the one with the highest keyword ranking, and renovate the old link into the one with the best collection.

3. Heavy hitting

3.1 Big Coupon 25% member discount 10% sale

I know that some young partners will have questions about coupon. Will your high coupon have no impact on BD of later activities?, Alas, sometimes I don't know what to say. I have said that the price is much higher than the market price. If you calculate the discount price, it will still be higher than the price of your later activities after the big Coupon, so that you can adjust the Coupon later. Don't forget that there is another member's discount price? In a word, the pricing strategy should be determined. It is better not to be passive in the later activities. Sometimes it is more useful to get results than to suspect there.

After the latest Coupon policy came into effect, many people dare not discount, which is just our opportunity.

I have posted the latest coupon policy below. If you need to know something about it, you can go and have a look.
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Image source: Amazon seller's background

3.2 Precision advertising - direct to the home page

According to the keywords and keyword collection, the keywords ranking on the second page, the keywords on the third page, and the fixed auction of precision advertising will be charged to the home page. Each advertising group will put 5-10 words, directly and accurately fix the auction, and focus on the advertising space at night.
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Image source: seller wizard

3.3 Celebrities outside the station - real evaluation

Some partners are about to start talking. It's 2024, and you are still evaluating. Do you have many stores? How many years have you been using this operation routine? Isn't this teaching bad children?

Statement: I'm not going to teach everyone bad, but we still need to follow the normal line, white hat to operate. I don't suggest that we control the risk of evaluation, but I don't deny it. The following only represents personal views, and is purely personal sharing. Sorry for any improper points.

Why did I continue to choose the evaluation?

First, even if caught, Amazon has 72 hours to admit mistakes. Within 72 hours, it will submit a complaint, and the account warning will be eliminated. Amazon will still put one code for one swipe (just personal experience, does not mean all), and the passing rate of service providers in the market for one swipe is more than 90%. So based on this judgment, I still chose the evaluation, but the number of orders is very small, about 10 orders. Because I need quick feedback and controllable comments, and use comments to increase my conversion rate. Of course, another prerequisite is that there is no other product in the account, only this product. Then there is too much inventory of my products. I must use this method to quickly activate my keyword collection.

Secondly, and most importantly, have you grasped the evaluation resources? Have you grasped the channel well? Is the communication mode of the celebrity reasonable? What range do you control the daily average natural quantity? Is the way (path) of red people's purchase reasonable? Where can I find people with relatively clean accounts? It's full of details.

Let me share a special way to find evaluators. There should be no one to share.

First, find some foreign photography websites, such as:

Pixabay is a free and commercially available image library that supports Chinese search. If you think a certain image is particularly good, you can send him a message or find his contact information on his home page to develop him into your personal evaluator. Praise his photography skills, pay him to help you shoot a celebrity video, and help you to evaluate.
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Image source: pixabay

And this website:

You can search for some pictures and see the authors. Many authors will leave their contact information
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Image source: unsplash

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Image source: unsplash

Try to find the author who has fewer fans and has a high degree of cooperation. You can send him free products or pay him some money to shoot for you. In this way, you can not only get a set of high-quality pictures, but also get good videos. The extent to which you can send pictures depends on communication.

Here is just a way of thinking. There are many such websites abroad. You can dig.

3.4 Click on the home page for additional keywords

Do you often see a new product explode at once? There is no sign outside the station, and there may be only a few swipes. Are the keywords almost on the home page? ... DZMDG
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Image source: seller wizard

Take this family as an example
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Image source: seller wizard

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Image source: seller wizard

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Image source: sif

The sales trend is very stable, there is no sign outside the station
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Image source: seller wizard

Increase advertising budget on the home page of keywords to maintain stability.


I'm fishmeal. Thank you for your attention. If you have any questions, please leave a message and communicate with me.
I found that the small partners with good performance have one characteristic: Extreme disassembly , disassemble a phenomenon into several key elements, and form key elements into replicable action points.
This is the improvement of ability.
Many small partners suffer from the mismatch between their operating years and experience growth, so they can take this direction as a starting point.
In addition, there will be many Insight Repetition cannot make us better than others. After all, others have already taken the lead.
Sometimes what can be shared is what experts have used for a long time.

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