This article focuses on sharing the classification and search methods of search keywords, and teaching you how to build a landing list of Amazon keywords

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First of all, I would like to thank everyone for their full support and messages. Many new friends have come to pay attention to it,
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It was really scary. After I shared it, I felt that there were still many places where I didn't write in detail, which led some sellers and sellers' friends to have some doubts. I came to me from various channels for consultation. I opened it in the morning, and all the private messages in the background of my public account exploded.

I'd like to share some words in the vocabulary that you have asked many questions in the process of creating blockbusters today.

The construction of this keyword list is a relatively basic thing. It can be said that all our operations are carried out around this word list. But I found that quite a few sellers did not pay attention to the importance of this word list. The standard products are better. The construction of this advertising framework is relatively up to standard, It's just that it may not be so perfect.

However, in terms of non-standard products, many people are ambiguous and may not pay attention to keywords, and then this keyword has not been counted. Some may even pay attention to the ranking of keywords, and pay attention to a very limited number, and finally fall into a dead circle. I can't push this link. I can't push it all the time. There is no order, but I don't know where the problem is?

Today's content is applicable to Xiaobai and Laoniao.

First of all, I will select a few questions.

How to push keywords to the home page with white hat technique? How many orders must be sent to the home page?

How to build a landing and reusable keyword thesaurus?

How to determine the traffic of this keyword? There is no standard to measure it?

How to judge the relevance of keywords? From which dimensions?

There is a lot of content and the article is quite long. Today, I will try to make the data a little bit better and tell you how the data came from. Try to be less wordy and wordy.

To achieve more orders Either increase or stock. My main power points are Search keywords, so this article focuses on search keywords.

Increment: increase traffic and document issuing. The increment effect is the most significant. The more the flow, the more accurate the effect is.

How to increase traffic?

Increase search traffic:

75% of Amazon's customers purchase products through search traffic

The essence of search traffic is the number of keywords included and the natural position of keywords

Amazon's first three pages can account for 70% of the total traffic

Increase associated traffic

Increase the list meteor

Large acceleration flow: BD/LD, Black friday deal.Prime day

Category traffic: improve category daily ranking

Flow stock:

Improve conversion rate. The link is optimized to the extreme, the price is competitive, and the discount is attractive enough. The more accurate the traffic is, the better the conversion rate will be. However, the conversion rate will have a ceiling, and it is impossible to have a balance point if it keeps rising. When your conversion rate reaches the peak of the industry, it will not go up.

So: search traffic is the big head → we need to improve search traffic - increase keyword inclusion and improve keyword ranking - find the right keywords → build a keyword list

My god, I've talked so much nonsense, and finally I'm going to get down to business.

This catalog:

How to classify keywords

What are the ways to find keywords

Hands on construction process

First, let's classify the keywords:

I generally classify keywords into the following categories:

1. According to the size of the flow: big words, secondary words, small words

2. By correlation: strong correlation, medium correlation, if relevant

3. By attribute: color, function, scene, etc

First: By flow

It should be noted that the categories and values are different. The division standards of big words, secondary words and long tail words are different. You can set standards according to the value of your own category. (Don't ask me why I divide it so)

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Path: Seller Center -- brand -- brand analysis -- Amazon search term -- enter keywords -- select cycle (by default, click ENTER)

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Second: By relevance:

Tool: S * f

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Or you can manually enter keywords to see the relevance of the product in the foreground. Let me give you a chestnut

Suppose I sell garage lights,

Use the word "garage lights" to search in the foreground:

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The search results are very accurate, and I will judge this word as an accurate related word

For example, when I use the word shop light to search, although some garage lights appear, I will judge it as an intermediate related word.

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How to judge the relevance of words? You can use tools or manually search the foreground one by one to verify. I won't do too much demonstration here.

Third: By attribute

This is not demonstrated here.

Part II: How to find keywords

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Generally, through these parts:

ABA data

Foreground search box extension;

Competing products listing;

Software reverse query;

Software root expansion words;

CPC ran out the words of the report

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First: ABA data

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Foreground search box expansion words

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Excellent listing of competitive products

List: 1; At present, the benchmarking top class is at least 20; 2. Benchmark the top 5 new products at least

Search page: the first page: select 10-15 natural positions in the top of the same category

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Tool: a selling spirit

Or use S * F (advertisers should give me red envelopes) -- to export the words of excellent competitive products

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I'll take the computer chair as an example. If there is any offending seller, please say sorry first.

The export table is Table 1: Glossary of Named Competitors

Then use the word root expansion method to export Table 2, "Word Root Expansion Table" (if the back of this word root table is helpful for advertising, we can use some word roots to do phrase negation and waste less advertising money)

How to get the root word?

Tool: AM * * 23

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Derive root words and then expand them.

Then expand the category words: such as the category words of computer chairs

Get Table 3 "Category Expansion Glossary"

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Finally, download the vocabulary of ABA data in the background to get Table IV ABA Words

Because there is a search conversion rate in the ABA word, it is convenient for us to estimate how many orders and budgets this word will need to send to the home page during advertising and evaluation.

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Summarize the data from several tables to get the Keyword Thesaurus
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Is it possible to see those words that are very precise and highly relevant, and to calculate the cost of the home page?

With this vocabulary, how to bury the text and how to write the title, are there some different ideas? How to bury words according to traffic volume? It should be clear.

The help of the main words list for advertising is huge. How to quickly occupy the home page, how to save advertising costs, and whether those words can be dynamically adjusted will help. Let's do it quickly.

I have the opportunity to share with you the whole process of how my sales jumped 172% from $1 million to $4 million in half a year when the daily average number of single products was 800

Coming soon.

I will take a rest for the past two days, because the company still has a lot of things to deal with, and the speed of updating articles will not change day by day. Don't rush.

I am fishmeal. Thank you for your encouragement, sharing, criticism and suggestions. I have received all of them. I will improve the bad things.
There are several questions. Table 1 is a competitive product backlookup table. Do you need to filter keywords in this table to get the root words?? There is also how the word root list, category list and thesaurus are combined together. There is also how the data from several tables are directly summarized after the ABA table. It is a bit confusing to get the Keyword Thesaurus.. The process has not been skipped directly!

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