#Case study # Novice Amazon has been working alone for half a month. The product is priced at a moderate price. When it first started selling, the unit volume was relatively stable. Recently, the conversion rate has been very unstable. I want to ask how to optimize advertising and how to follow up on the operation idea?

Post 3 times Topped twice Recommended 0 times Quality points 0 stars Post reply interaction 9 times Historical exchange heat 20.59% Historical communication depth 0%
First of all, let's talk about the specific situation. Amazon novices are doing a relatively blue ocean product in the US station. The 2.14 new product is on the shelves, pure white, linked to streaking, and has done vine, but no one has received it. The main picture A+video is shot with money, and has launched advertisements. There are four groups of advertisements (one group of small category words (ABA ranking more than 2000) is extensive, and the word "refined or not" is fine; One core keyword in a group is accurate (second level words); Two groups of automatic bidding (one group is 20% higher than the suggested bidding, the other group is 10% higher than the suggested bidding, accurate matching). The bidding uses fixed bidding, and the price given is the suggested bidding or slightly higher than the suggested bidding,
The product is priced at a moderate price. After 25 coupons were issued, the order was issued the next day. The first ten days were basically stable, and four orders were issued every day. The video was added on February 26, and two copies of the pictures were modified by the way. Then there was a problem. Since the modification was completed, the number of orders has been up and down. After the modification, there were only two orders the next day, seven orders the third day, and now there is only one order on the fourth and fifth days.

 https://assert.wearesellers.com/questions/20240301/1362dc80ec518e80e79265079033527f.png  https://assert.wearesellers.com/questions/20240301/30c26b740322a6ec25616494297b1fdd.png  https://assert.wearesellers.com/questions/20240301/6afd6c2b9d9a16ce2dbeaae22be82f5c.png
1. Why was the single volume relatively stable at the beginning of the sale, but now the single volume is unstable and even drops to 1 when the video is posted and the secondary image is modified, and the conversion rate drops significantly. Is it because the listing is modified or something else? According to my understanding, modifying the listing should affect the weight so as to affect the exposure, but after the modification, the exposure does not change much, and the conversion rate is low.

2. What should I do if the suggested bidding for keywords is either high or low? At present, the words I typed always have a huge change in his proposal bidding over the past few days (for example, the proposal bidding today is 1.2, and may change to 0.8 the day after tomorrow). I have always been a fixed bidding, so it will lead to my exposure up and down. How to solve this situation, and how to open the dynamic?

3. How to optimize advertising? Let me help you analyze my advertising data. At present, the overall acos is about 46. Most of the exposure is still in the commodity page. The click rate of the commodity page is relatively low, and the click rate of the home page and other search locations is OK. The data shows that the conversion of the search results page is relatively good. How to put ads on the search results page and try to improve the bidding, but the ads still run on the commodity page. The click through rate of extensive ads is very low, but the conversion is OK. How should I operate? In the two groups of automatic advertisements, the group with 10% higher click through rate and conversion rate than the group with 20% higher suggested bidding rate is better than the group with very little exposure. Should we keep the group with better data and then increase bidding? Invalid click and invalid exposure are about 50%. Is this normal?

4. How to improve the unit quantity subsequently? At present, 25 coupons have been issued, which is basically unprofitable and can barely recover product costs. When will the coupons be issued? Or how can the subsequent operations turn into stable profits? If there is no comment, only Cui will give a rating (the real person evaluation dare not, the new store is afraid of being taken down). I have opened a coupon for a week now. Is it possible to change the price to show a crossed price?


Approval from: wanghy0580 11AAaa

1. Why was the single volume relatively stable at the beginning of the sale, but now the single volume is unstable and even drops to 1 when the video is posted and the secondary image is modified, and the conversion rate drops significantly. Is it because the listing is modified or something else? According to my understanding, modifying the listing should affect the weight so as to affect the exposure, but after the modification, the exposure does not change much, and the conversion rate is low.
Normally, if the secondary image is not changed significantly, your link will not be affected, and the link weight will not be affected if the image and video are modified. The decline in conversion rate cannot be analyzed from the listing level alone. It is also necessary to analyze whether the words in the advertisement have changed? Has the advertising space changed? Are there any actions of the competing products? At the beginning of the new product, Amazon will allocate traffic to you to test your links and products. Can you see whether your conversion rate is higher or lower than that of the link?
2. What should I do if the suggested bidding for keywords is either high or low? At present, the words I typed always have a huge change in his proposal bidding over the past few days (for example, the proposal bidding today is 1.2, and may change to 0.8 the day after tomorrow). I have always been a fixed bidding, so it will lead to my exposure up and down. How to solve this situation, and how to open the dynamic?
It is normal for the bidding to go up and down. Amazon system gives it according to the analysis of word search, market competition and other conditions. Forget it, you only need to ensure that your advertising data can produce the effect you want, whether the exposure and click are normal, the change of advertising position, the CPC and conversion rate of different positions. Don't move the original advertising campaign. Try to add new dynamic advertising campaigns. There is no mistake in trying more, as long as the words are accurate.
3.1 How to optimize advertising?
This is a big problem, too general, and needs specific analysis of specific problems.
3.2 Let me help you analyze my advertising data. At present, the overall acos is about 46. Most of the exposure is still in the product page. The click rate of the product page is relatively low, and the click rate of the home page and other search locations is fairly good. The data shows that the conversion of the search results page is good. How to print ads to the search results page?
This is because the competition for the launch words is so fierce that the low CPC cannot be exposed on the home page, but only on the details page.
Solution: According to the current link weight, the first is to gradually increase the percentage of the home page. The second one is dynamic. Dynamic is that Amazon allocates advertising space to you by combining the weight of your link and CPC. As the weight of the link increases, the exposure of the home page advertising space will gradually increase. In any case, it will decline.
3.3 I tried to raise the bidding price, but the advertisement still ran on the commodity page. The click through rate of extensive ads is very low, but the conversion is OK. How should I operate?
It is normal for the click rate of the product page to be low, but high conversion is OK. As for how to widely reduce the exposure of the product page, you can refer to the reply in 3.2, followed by diligent rejection of words irrelevant to you. It is generally suitable for running some long tail words. Here we introduce a wide range of techniques, such as putting in AB words, which will lead to ABCE, ADCD,ABCF,ABMP,ABMO,ABMK, At this time, the phrase "C" and "M" can be negated, and ABC and ABM can be widely advertised. The words thrown out by such a wide group are relatively accurate. If you don't understand this, you can discuss it in private.
3.4 In the two groups of automatic advertisements, the group whose click through rate and conversion rate are 10% higher than the suggested auction is better than the group whose click through rate and conversion rate are 20%, but the exposure is very little. Should we keep the group whose data is better, and then increase the auction?
Compare the search terms of the two groups
First, optimize the 20% group of automation, first reject irrelevant words, and then observe for a few days before deciding whether to close it.
The group with 10% higher exposure and fewer clicks is mainly due to the CPC problem. You can fine tune the CPC and increase it slowly. Don't step too far.
Don't blindly increase CPC, and first analyze whether the words are accurate. First click analysis, then dimensional analysis of search terms. The high click rate and conversion rate may be due to the accuracy of the words in this group.

3.5 Invalid click and invalid exposure are about 50%. Is this normal?
It mainly depends on your bid and the distribution of advertising spaces. It is normal for most advertising spaces like you to be on the product page, which is also a standard product.
However, from the perspective of the advertising performance of a link, because there are too few home page exposures and clicks, the click rate will be low, and the weight accumulation of the link will be slow, which will not win the race.
It is recommended that you properly try dynamic running accuracy, which should be better than your fixed running.

4. How to improve the unit quantity subsequently? At present, 25 coupons have been issued, which is basically unprofitable and can barely recover product costs. When will the coupons be issued? Or how can the subsequent operations turn into stable profits? If there is no comment, only Cui will give a rating (the real person evaluation dare not, the new store is afraid of being taken down). I have opened a coupon for a week now. Is it possible to change the price to show a crossed price?
It is true that when you modify the price now, there will be a crossed price, but your link is still in a streaking state. Unless your price is far lower than the competitive product, it is not recommended to reduce the price. Low prices are not necessarily better than high discounts. The most important thing is to let buyers feel that they have enjoyed the discount.
As for when the coupon will be opened, when your link has received enough comments, you can gradually reduce the discount with the increase of comments and the stability of conversion during this period.
If you have information about product quality, you can try to make several more links and send them to VINE for later consolidation to add comments.
How to turn into a stable profit depends on your link to judge in real time and adjust the operation strategy and rhythm.
How to improve the single volume? First, turn off some inaccurate advertising activities, and immediately deny irrelevant words. Modify the advertising strategy to improve the click rate of the advertisement. The advertising budget is targeted. The budget will increase slowly with the increase of comments. You can use SIF to analyze the keyword framework and traffic structure of competitive products, compare your own links, and determine the words you need to promote. Pay more attention to the actions of competing products and make adjustments.

I hope that when the landlord asks next time, the layout can be better and the questions can be asked one by one, which will facilitate analysis. Such a few questions will make people lose focus
I wish the building owner can make an order as soon as possible


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