#Case analysis # The product suddenly seems dead. It has tried to cut prices, increase advertising budget and large coupons, but there is still no good change. I really can't find the problem. I hope you can help me.

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1: Before December 13, my order quantity was very stable. This is a relatively cold product, so 3-5 orders a day is normal. The order of competitive products is about 5-10 orders a day.
2: Tell me there is a problem with my listing, but what I wrote before was that the order could be issued normally, but suddenly after the 14th, the whole link seemed to collapse.
3: My product score is 4.4 points higher. I haven't received any bad comments in the last two months. It's been a long time since I received good comments.
4: I also tried to change the main image, but the effect is still not, still only the click rate and exposure, but the conversion is still not.
5: I have also tried to make a big price cut, or suddenly increase the advertising budget, which has not been alleviated. I don't know why it suddenly sank, and the category ranking went crazy. Do you want to say that it is the off-season of products? The order of competing products is still stable, and the ranking has not changed.
6: Coupons are also opened to a large extent, and there is no good change, but I suddenly do not know how to adjust?  
1. Since the middle of December, foreigners have celebrated Christmas, so the overall market traffic has been declining. In January, everyone's traffic seems to have not recovered much, only some seasonal products are selling out. At present, we don't see your visitors in the table. I suggest you see the changes of visitors during this period and whether the traffic of your product's core keywords is declining in the brand analysis.
2. Your previous price was 119.99, but now it is 105.99. To be honest, I don't feel much about it, or I will be ruthless and direct 99.99. You can see the price of your competitors. The sales of competitive products did not drop, because people may have more comments than you, so the ranking and sales did not drop.
3. Personally, I don't think coupons are easy to use. If it's time to live or die, it's better to reduce the price directly. 5% of coupons is OK

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