All knowing AI assistant officially launched: comparison of different effects between private AI model and AI big model

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1、 Know what AI assistant is
2、 What are the characteristics of all knowing AI assistants
3、 Comparison of test questions and answers between private model and large model

(1) Test Question 1: What is Amazon Blackwater Management Theory
1. GPT4 reply
2. Wenxin Yiyan's reply
3. Reply from the AI assistant

(2) Test question 2: Listing was used by others to complain about copyright infringement. The product has been taken off the shelf. How should I fight back to save the link?
1. GPT4 reply
2. Wenxin Yiyan's reply
3. Reply from the AI assistant


1、 Know what AI assistant is

All knowing AI assistant is a private model tool for cross-border e-commerce sellers based on AI big model training. The purpose of AI assistant is to focus on the problem itself and quickly solve problems for sellers. AI assistant expects to cover and train more private data related to cross-border e-commerce industry in the future to help Chinese sellers grow healthily!

2、 What are the characteristics of all knowing AI assistants
8300+10000 word private model
All knowing AI assistant has completed Amazon 8300+10000 word domain private model training.

Covering multiple platforms
All knowing AI assistant training data will gradually cover Wal Mart, Wayfair, Shein, Temu, Tiktok Shop, Shopify, Google, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and other fields. Please wait.

Focus on the problem itself
Compared with the AI big model, all knowing AI assistants focus more on the question itself, and try to avoid big, comprehensive, abstract, and correct nonsense.

As a supplement to the traditional manual question and answer interaction form of the Knowledgeable Community, the Knowledgeable AI assistant hopes to help you quickly identify and solve problems as much as possible.

Support users to help AI learn
1. All AI assistants are frank and open, and warmly welcome service merchants, industry sellers, KOL and other enthusiastic users to provide high-quality training data.
2. Examples of data content: account complaint, intellectual property, logistics and overseas warehousing, product development, procurement management, supply chain management, software tool application, professional knowledge and experience in various product lines, etc.
3. Altruism and self-interest: You provide and learn high-quality training data to all knowing AI assistants, which will help you improve your IP and/or brand image.
3、 Comparison of test questions and answers between private model and large model

(1) Test Question 1: What is Amazon Blackwater Management Theory

1. GPT4

GPT4's reply:

Sorry, as of the time I understand (January 2022), I have not heard of the "Amazon Black Water Management Theory". Maybe this is a new concept that appears after the deadline of my knowledge, or it may be a misunderstood or wrong noun.

If this is a new theory, concept or term, I suggest you consult the latest information or authoritative sources for more information. If there are other questions, I will try my best to answer them.

2. Wenxin

Wenxin Yiyan's reply:

Amazon Blackwater Management Theory is a theory about product selection and pricing. It is based on the comparison of demand and supply of a category, and how goods can obtain exposure according to search algorithm, recommendation algorithm and advertising algorithm. Specifically, if the demand of a category is greater than the supply, then in the same time, not every product has the same exposure, and goods begin to queue for exposure. This queuing is based on three algorithms.
The application of this theory includes selection and operation. In terms of product selection, Blackwater management theory can be used to find the waist market, that is, products with good products, high transformation and low exposure. In terms of operation, we can define the sales target, prepare inventory, report to LD BD, and increase natural exposure. In terms of advertising, it can boost sales, forget Acos, and occupy the pit.

We hope the above information will help you. If you have more questions, we suggest you consult Amazon's official website or Amazon's official customer service.

3. Know everything AI assistant
 Say everything AI.gif

Reply from the AI assistant:

Amazon Blackwater Management Theory is a theory about Amazon's exposure system, which explains why some products' sales on Amazon are unstable and unable to grow, and why the sales of products in the top three subcategory nodes are more than three times that of products after the fourth.

According to Blackwater management theory, Amazon's exposure system will allocate exposure opportunities according to the sales ranking of products. On the search results page, Amazon only displays the first 20 pages of products, and each page can display up to 20 products. Therefore, only the top 400 sales ranking products can get exposure under one keyword. When consumers are shopping, most of them will purchase on the first three pages, so the products with the top three sales will get more exposure and orders.

Specifically, according to Blackwater management theory, Amazon's exposure rules are as follows:
1. Search the exposure rules on page 1:
-Products in the top 1-3 of bestseller will appear in the top 3 of the keyword home page for a long time and enjoy the platform traffic support. The order volume is usually several times higher than that of the following products.
-Products ranked 4-20 in bestseller will take turns to obtain the same amount of exposure, so the order quantity is unstable.
-Products ranking 21-70 in bestseller will also take turns to obtain the same amount of exposure, so the order volume is also unstable.
-The 71-400 best seller products have very few exposures, so the order quantity is very unstable. It is easy to have more orders in some days and less orders in some days.
2. Search the exposure rules on page 2:
-Products ranked 4-20 in bestseller will take turns to obtain the same amount of exposure.
-Products ranking 21-70 in bestseller will also take turns to obtain the same amount of exposure.
-Products ranking 71-400 in bestseller will also take turns to obtain the same amount of exposure.
-Products after bestseller 400-2000 will receive more exposures than those on page 1.

Based on the above exposure rules and Blackwater management theory, we can draw the following conclusions:
1. If your product is very good, but cannot enter the top 20 of bestseller, the order is unstable, and there will be no order explosion.
2. If there are too many products in the category of your product, up to more than 20000, the product can sell very well if it is not good at this time. You must have the concept of traffic operation, keep reporting activities, and hit the top 20 of the sales list, otherwise the good product may not sell.
3. If your product is targeted at waist products, that is, 50-100 best seller products, it is very dangerous at this time. It is not a good product that can sell. You need to see the total number of waist products in the whole market. If there are many, you must be prepared for continuous S single reporting activities.
4. If your product is in the top 20, you should protect the review score at this stage. Once there is a bad review, you will fall off quickly. At this time, you need to vigorously launch advertising to stabilize the sales ranking to obtain more natural traffic. At this stage, you can open the Acos index to 50%, and don't be afraid of advertising.
5. Don't keep your product in the black water pipe all the time. If the product is in the black water pipe for a long time, you can consider re ranking and refurbishing ASIN.
6. When developing products, Blackwater management theory can be used to calculate the position to play (sales position - keyword position), so as to avoid blind promotion of products and waste of promotion costs.

I hope the above explanations and suggestions will help you. If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.

(2) Test question 2: Listing was used by others to complain about copyright infringement. The product has been taken off the shelf. How should I fight back to save the link?

1. GPT4

GPT4's reply:

First of all, I want to clearly point out that infringing others' copyright is an illegal act, and trying to fight back through illegal means may lead to more serious legal consequences. If your product is taken off the shelf due to copyright infringement, we suggest you take the following legal measures to solve the problem:

1. Check the complaint content: make sure to understand the specific content of the complaint, who the complainant is and what their claims are. This will help you better understand the root cause of the problem.

2. Delete infringing content: If the complaint is really based on reasonable copyright infringement facts, ensure that your product no longer contains infringing content. This is the first step to solve the problem.

3. Send a letter to the complainant: try to contact the complainant, express your sincerity, explain that the problem has been solved, and ask them to withdraw the complaint. Sometimes, problems can be solved through direct communication with the other party.

4. Submit legal proof: If you are sure that the product does not infringe the copyright, provide relevant evidence to prove your position. This may include original content, authoring timestamps, usage licenses, etc. Submitting these evidences can help the platform understand the situation more comprehensively.

5. Contact platform support: contact the platform hosting your product (for example, App Store、Google Play、 Cloud service providers, etc.), provide them with evidence, explain the cause of the problem, and request them to review your product.

6. Legal advice: If the problem still exists, you may need to seek legal advice. Professional lawyers can help you assess your rights and responsibilities and guide you to take appropriate legal action.

Please note that it is unwise to take illegal means or try to use fraud to fight back, which may lead to more serious legal consequences. The best way is to solve the problem through legal means to ensure that your behavior complies with the law.

2. Wenxin
 Wenxin Yiyan 2.gif

Wenxin Yiyan's reply:

When your product is accused of copyright infringement and spoofed by others as an independent station, leading to the link being taken off the shelf, you can take the following measures to fight back and save the link:

1. Confirmation of infringement: First of all, you need to carefully understand the infringement, including the details of the other party's complaints and specific allegations. This will help you better understand the situation and take action accordingly.
2. Contact the independent station platform: you can try to contact the independent station platform to explain the situation of your alleged infringement, and provide supporting documents to prove your innocence. If the independent platform accepts your explanation, they may restore your link.
3. Collect evidence: In order to prove your innocence, it is very important to collect evidence. You can prove that your products are legal and not infringing by collecting orders, delivery records, product source certificates and other documents.
4. Seek legal help: If the above measures cannot solve the problem, you can consider seeking legal help. Consult with professional lawyers to understand your rights and interests and feasible legal approaches. If necessary, they can help you file a lawsuit or take other legal actions to protect your rights and interests.
5. Report infringement: If you confirm that the other party's complaint is spoof or false, you can report infringement to relevant institutions or platforms. This will help protect your rights and interests and prevent others from making jokes or false complaints again.
6. Re launch the product: After taking the above measures, if the problem is solved, you can try to re launch your product. Ensure that your products comply with local laws and regulations and the provisions of the independent station platform to avoid being complained of infringement again.

In a word, you need to keep calm and take appropriate measures to protect your rights and interests when facing infringement problems. Consulting with a professional lawyer and collecting evidence will help you fight back against infringement and save the link.

3. Know everything AI assistant
 Say everything AI2.gif

Answer from the AI assistant:

For your question, I can give the following suggestions to counter malicious complaints and save the link:

1. Collect evidence: First, you need to collect evidence to prove that your product does not infringe the copyright of others. This includes product launch time, supplier authorization, brand filing, purchase contract, invoice, etc. Make sure you have sufficient evidence to support your complaint.

2. Write a letter of appeal: according to the evidence you have collected, write a letter of appeal and submit it to Amazon. In the letter of appeal, clearly state your situation, explain that your product does not infringe the copyright, and provide detailed evidence to support it. You can refer to some appeal templates, but make sure to personalize them to suit your situation.

3. Use DMCA counterclaim letter: If the usual complaint method does not work, you can consider using the DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act of the United States) statement. This method may take longer, but it is usually very effective in the case of malicious complaints. You need to put forward your own copyright notice, ask the complainant to provide the copyright certificate, and sue the court within a certain time. If the complainant is unable to provide evidence, your link has a good chance of being restored.

4. Contact the independent station platform: If your product is complained of maliciously and the link is taken off the shelf, you can contact the independent station platform, such as Shopify, provide evidence to prove that your product is original, and ask them to solve the problem. They may take action, such as the independent station of the offline complainant.

5. Registered trademark and brand filing: In order to prevent similar problems from happening again, you can consider registering a trademark and filing a brand. This will provide more legal protection and enable you to respond more effectively to violations.

6. Increase the uniqueness of the product: In order to avoid malicious complaints, you can reduce the possibility of infringement by increasing the uniqueness of the product. For example, customize product packaging or design unique product pictures to reduce the risk of plagiarism.

7. Establish an official website: establish an official website to display your brand and product information, and upload linked pictures and texts to the official website. In this way, you can provide more evidence to prove the originality of your product.

Please note that the above suggestions are for reference only, and the specific operation steps and effects may vary according to personal circumstances. Before performing any operation, it is recommended that you carefully read Amazon's policies and regulations and follow its guidance. If you need more specific operation steps or legal advice, it is recommended to consult a professional lawyer or professional consultant.

For more information, please click the link below
1. How to use the know it all AI assistant
2. How to help all knowing AI assistants learn: reference guides for service merchants, industry sellers, KOL, etc
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