The Black Five is over. I'm going to be laid off. What should we do next?

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At the end of the Black Five, the orders and quantities were ordinary, not much more than before. Then my colleague asked me not to buy goods these two days, and he said that the boss told him to abolish the Amazon department.
First, let's talk about the company. The company is a factory. At the end of the year before last, my colleague was responsible for Amazon. Then he did it for a year without any payment back. He lost twenty or three million yuan, not counting the salary of employees. Then I was recruited at the end of last year. One of my first tasks was to clear the inventory. I continued to receive some payments, and then the inventory was cleared this year. I started to develop products myself. I have made four or five links, which are still sold at present. The more stable thing is three links. The daily sales are more than 50. There are more activities, more than 100. The customer price is low, and the profit is not high, In the first two months, no payment was collected, but with the increase of single volume, the profit gradually increased, and now the monthly net profit is 2w
Since I started to develop the product, the company has spent about 12w of the value of goods+4w of the sea freight. All these expenses have been earned back. Then a few months ago, the boss asked me to wait for the money back to buy the goods. The company will not pay any more. So it's hard for me to open new products. After all, the money collected should be used to turn over the inventory.
My colleague changed his job to offline after I came to Amazon. He told me that the boss said that there was nothing left to make a profit but to pay operating salaries. (I was the only one in Amazon, and my salary was 7k) He asked me to clear the inventory in December and stop doing it. He has told me several times about the salary. He said that the net profit would be deducted from the operating cost, and the salary would be deducted. I didn't agree with him. He has been very dissatisfied. Then he told my colleague that I had not opened new products for a long time. My colleague told him that the money collected would be used to replenish the goods. He did not answer that there was no money to open new products.
Personally, I don't care where I work. Anyway, I can develop, operate, and work as an artist. I can find any job. But I have to fight for my own rights and interests. In particular, he plans to downsize in January. He deliberately doesn't give the year-end bonus. And where do I find a job the month before the New Year? So I must strive for N+1.
At present, there are several problems,
1: If the boss talks to me, do I need a recording? I keep some of my usual payslips, work records, clocking records, and work groups in my mobile phone photos. If I can't agree, I will go to labor arbitration.
2: It's just that the boss has changed his mind a little bit. At the beginning of the year, he told me to give me three months, and if I couldn't do it, I would stop. Then in June, I happily waited to be laid off. As a result, the number of orders continued to rise, and he had to continue to do it. So I didn't make it. I'm bored. I'm not allowed to replenish the goods now. It's easy for me to clear the inventory. When I clear the goods and run out of goods, I can't do that again. You should know that many people are staring at my product pit. My three links are ranked within 3w of the main category, which is not very good, but they are OK in the small category, which is about 100. It's not a popular product. The number of competing products is less than 10. We are probably the second. The weight is OK, and we don't need to spend much advertising fees.
I told my colleague that he could just dismiss me. He didn't need to leave when he was offline. He said that he just wanted to be Amazon instead of offline. Then he asked me if the boss would not do it, and if the account could be transferred to him, and if it was worth taking over, I said you said that the account was stable, only regular replenishment was needed every month, and the cost of 30000 yuan would earn 20000 yuan. Don't be too popular if you do it yourself. If he is willing to transfer it, I also want it. So if you can transfer it, how much do you think the transfer fee is appropriate?
Then I had two new products on the market in the middle of December. I hadn't opened a new product for a long time, so it was hard to pick two products. Should I push or not?
What a hurry! Why doesn't the boss talk to me.
I have been working for several years, but I haven't encountered this situation. It's very interesting. Now I'm free. Let's talk about what to do next?  
Ps. I'm worried that I won't get N+1. Our company is a chicken thief. I will deduct 7000 ÷ 22=318 from my salary for one day of leave, and deduct 100% of my full attendance, that is, 418% for one day of leave. But I worked overtime for one day last month, and I was paid 23/hour x 8=184 by the company for overtime
Don't listen to what your colleagues say. He is not the boss. If you should stock up, you should take the initiative to stock up and do it normally.
Make two preparations. Prepare in advance for the topics your boss may talk to you about, and prepare the answers. If you are really dismissed, you should also get N+1.

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