#Super topic # # How to plan for 2024 # Is the recent account problem related to the ZM war? Are you still preparing for next year according to the plan of this year?

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Hello everyone! This post does not cause anxiety. I hope you can respond rationally.

In fact, the first half of this year was pretty good. The income and exchange rate were very comfortable. In fact, in September, we planned to go further next year. It is estimated that 2.17 times of this year's investment will be used for product development, advertising, etc.
In the second half of the year, the category began to roll in seriously. In fact, our company has its own R&D team, so it was slightly flat in the first half of the year when there was a small loss.
However, a few days ago slightly subverted our expectations,
First of all, Amazon started to close its brand association, which was an unwarranted crime. For example, two accounts A and B under a brand, account B said that account A violated a certain policy and was closed, account A was still alive, and there was no problem opening the case.
I'm also lucky. All cities are made of auto parts. The company next door is made of car led light kits. As far as I know, the 300w stock has just been signed by Amazon. Some time ago, I laughed and said let's invest in him. I was still very excited. Two days ago, Amazon refused to sell the product. So far, we don't know how to deal with the 300w inventory. We actually paid for this set of flat floors until we saw him smoking in the office two days ago, which not only raised a sense of sadness.
These days, the news has been constantly pessimistic, touching the nerves all the time.
Goethe and other well-known manufacturing giants have set up factories in Southeast Asia, and Apple is no longer placing orders with China.
The United States began to expel Chinese seed companies and forcibly seize the legitimate land of the Chinese in the United States by violent means.
Nvidia prohibits the sale of high-end graphics cards to China.
Amazon bans the sale of car led lights and requires them to be removed before October 31.
As a result, when meeting with the company's shareholders, we unanimously decided to slow down. In particular, even if Amazon or the United States issued a document at random, we might be devastated. The world is not peaceful. Ukraine and Russia, Palestine and Israel feel that the United States is beginning to de ZG and slowly recover its manufacturing industry. Traditional foreign trade and cross-border e-commerce are terrible, How do you plan for next year?
First of all, can you change the letters into Chinese? Without context, it's really hard to judge what the so-called ZM war is.
Secondly, when did China and the United States reach a state of war?? Don't scare yourself, okay?! As for the decoupling between China and the United States, how can we do it? For so many years after joining the WTO, we have already had our share of each other. We also recently issued a policy that welcomes foreign investment to set up factories in China. We have completely relaxed the restrictions on foreign investment access. Is this the rhythm of decoupling?! American politicians want to decouple, but would they like to ask so many American enterprises and capitalists? At present, the only real decoupling is in the field of cutting-edge technology, which is just to prevent us from surpassing them in these areas. As for other low-end manufacturing industries, I hope you can continue to do it forever and provide him with a steady stream of cheap products to offset the high inflation in his country. Why not?? I know that when it comes to this, someone will say that many American enterprises have withdrawn their investment from China to invest in Southeast Asia, but this decoupling led by the US government is totally different. Domestic labor costs, land costs are getting higher and higher, tax incentives are gradually tightened or even disappeared, and it is not normal for capital to go to cheaper Southeast Asia! Without the policy of decoupling and chain breaking of the United States, they would also be transferred from China. Moreover, upgrading the industrial chain and developing from low-end manufacturing to high-end manufacturing is also a dominant thing in China. Otherwise, will the business of exchanging more than one billion shirts for an aircraft continue forever? Back to our Amazon sellers, we only sell some daily necessities, far from high-tech! Dajiang is still selling well on Amazon. What are you worried about??
Finally, why do people always think that Amazon reviews your store and closes your store because they cooperate with the US government in China? Do you think too highly of yourself? The war between China and the United States has really started. It would be better if someone directly shut down Amazon's Chinese sellers. It is necessary to shut down all of them. It is necessary to identify millions of sellers one by one, and then attack a small part of them fixedly??
At the end of the day, I don't know whether some people are really so anxious, or moan about nothing, or deliberately create anxiety and sell anxiety?? In short, people feel very puzzled. Why not spend more time analyzing products, markets and peers, and think about how to iterate products, or how to adjust and optimize advertising, instead of just rising to the national level, don't bother!

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