#Super topic # Refurbishment will kill the store? New rules! Just started a month ago! Today, the account suddenly hung up, without any warning, and the account status was very clean. The service provider reported that Amazon's new rules and renovation of Amazon were not supported?

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Your Amazon seller account has been disabled and your goods have been removed because we found that you violated the policy. Please continue to arrange shipment for the unfinished order and reply to the buyer's inquiry, so as not to further affect your account. We will discuss with you to solve this problem according to the fund detention policy. During this period, the funds will not be transferred to you, but will remain in your account:

Why does this happen? We took this measure because we found that you or someone acting on your behalf requested to change an ASIN to another ASIN that does not match the current ASIN.

Today, the account suddenly hung up, without any warning, and the account was clean, so I only received one email.

Has any barley ever experienced this problem? Some service providers report that Amazon has set new rules, but isn't it supported to renovate Amazon?
Today, I encountered a new problem. The link was deleted for no reason, and there was no performance or email. When I asked CASE, I got a reply: After careful verification, your asin: XXXX was identified as an ASIN beneficial to systematic directory abuse. ASIN does not have a path, and will not be restored for sale.
Amazon is really getting more and more strict, and I don't know how to go next
Can you tell me more about your situation? Is it the same site renovation or cross site renovation? Is the old listing available for sale or not before the renovation? What is the reason for the renovation? Is it renovated by yourself or by a service provider? Which site was renovated?

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