Where can I find the conversion rate of a certain type of target—— The answer lies in the "search term performance" of brand analysis!

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Presumably, this is a question that many old iron workers are thinking about - where can we find the most accurate conversion rate of a certain type of target?  
Amazon platform did not publicly publish these data. There may be some general category data published through investment promotion, but the category data we want to break down may not be available. The answer may be found in Amazon brand analysis. The category conversion rate data is hidden in the "search term performance" of brand analysis. In fact, this data platform has been open for a long time, but it seems that most people have no feelings for these data (in fact, I have written such an article before, but it seems too complicated).
First, we need to Load the corresponding ASIN search term data, path: brand analysis - search term performance - ASIN view.
The downloaded data table is as follows:

The first thing to know is that the data representation of search terms here refers to Data sum of natural search traffic and advertising search traffic Other traffic entering the page regardless of the search dimension is not here.
At first glance, it seems very messy and difficult to interpret and use, but a little combing can make the data delicious
The red header is the data column that we mainly focus on. We can get summary data by adding data formulas. The white header is the data that we summarize, which is not available in the source data (in the screenshot, some columns are hidden for easy viewing).

At this time, you can see that the overall conversion rate data of the Amazon platform is among them, and there are other dimensions of data in the table that are actually quite useful (the attachment is a demonstration document, please use it).

How to understand and use these data?
1. Understand the resources we have obtained for a certain keyword or the overall keyword in the market from the proportion data. For example, a low proportion of display traffic (only a few percent) indicates that we are light in weight, and a low proportion of clicks indicates that we can't grab traffic. (In particular, my cousin has always stressed that only statistical data can be used to analyze and make decisions);
2. We can understand our click through rate and conversion rate data under a certain keyword, and compare them with Amazon's overall market. For words with excellent performance, we need to increase the investment, while for words with poor performance, we need to further analyze how to optimize them for our own use;
3. Get the total data performance and make decisions on the future of the product - for example, after the new product has been on the shelves for a period of time, is there a good data performance (excellent conversion rate data/excellent click through rate) that is expected by the whole store? The old link is already like a bear. Is there any potential to rejuvenate?
How to interpret these summary data?
1. The proportion of purchases/clicks is actually conversion rate data. If it is greater than 1, the conversion rate of our links on this keyword is higher than the overall market level;
2. The proportion of purchase/additional purchase shows how hesitant the customers who enter my link through this keyword are compared with the general market (hesitancy means buying more than buying directly). If it is less than 1, it means that they are more hesitant on our link. At this time, we need to analyze the point where our link makes users hesitant. After solving this point, we can actually activate shopping cart orders through SD advertising (therefore, it is usually recommended to launch SD advertising periodically);
3. Make decisions on some words or the whole link in combination with other summary data. For example, if the search volume of some words is large enough, the number of clicks we get is large and high, and the purchase proportion/click proportion value is also high, then these words should be reused.
How can new products get these data quickly?
Although we can infer the conversion rate of a certain target market from this data table to a certain extent, it may not be completely accurate. The reasons are as follows: 1. If the keywords reached by your links are not comprehensive enough, then the lack of keyword data may lead to generalizations (most likely in the new product period); 2. Non search traffic has not been recorded in this data table (but fortunately, the conversion rate of other traffic such as related traffic is lower than that of search traffic, so it is OK to replace high traffic with low traffic).
So when we create a new category, we don't know how the conversion rate of this category is. How can we operate to obtain these data as comprehensively as possible? The answer is through advertising. Please leave a message in the comment area.
The above, unknowingly, wastes your precious ten minutes. Thanks for reading, please discuss rationally (please be careful if I hold up a Labrador every minute).
Cousin produces either fine products or waste products.
It has a certain reference value, but it is not accurate to the conversion rate of a single competitive product after all. The conversion rate of the big market and the top sellers is very different. For our small category, the average conversion rate is less than 10%, but we can achieve 35% ourselves, not to mention the best seller.
If you want to directly compare the conversion rate of competitive products and your own links, there is actually another way: search the other party's asin through the business opportunity detector, obtain the other party's 30 day clicks, and then estimate the monthly sales volume through the category ranking, so that you can calculate the approximate conversion rate of your opponent.

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