#Workplace case analysis # Pioneering Amazon, a foreign trade boss with fixed thinking, what should I do It has been two months since I joined the company. My daily work is to help the development and business of foreign trade. I really have no idea what to do.

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I have been engaged in Amazon for two years. I worked as a 3C in my last company. The customer price is between 10 and 15. FBM and FBA are all working at the same time, and the gross profit is about 50000 a month. The operation means is advertising+outside the station, and basic white hat dry push.
I joined the new company in October and was impressed by the company's salary. I also managed lunch on weekends. Overtime is not serious. But I felt deeply confused after I joined the company

present situation:
The company has been doing traditional foreign trade for more than 30 years. The boss also started his own business from a state-owned enterprise when he was young. It should have been brilliant. However, it is obvious that the performance has plummeted in recent years, which has touched Amazon's mind. However, the boss himself still doesn't look down on retail from the bottom of his heart. The verbal expression is "we are a car by car wholesaler of cabbages, and you Amazon are just picking up vegetable leaves", which may be reasonable, but the people who pick up vegetable leaves have also made a fortune
The company mainly manufactures electromechanical products, including large and small ones. When I joined the company, I told me that we should develop a brand new product (the factory we worked with was not willing to cooperate, but the boss was so confident that he didn't even pay a penny to upgrade the factory from design to packaging to all aspects)
Since I took over the docking, the factory has always said that it is doing, arranging and waiting~

It has been two months since I joined the company. My daily work is to help the development and business of foreign trade. I really have no idea what to do. What about Amazon? I want to pick up vegetables. What can I do without vegetables?

Have you ever experienced such a company? Do you have any experience to teach? Save the confused children!

Deep cucumber - The thick smoke has not dispersed for nearly 30 years, just like the young people still in late summer

Approval from: My department A One cabbage Zhiouzhou 321 Elderly people who love playing games Wild passer-by A longlong Sylarz33 Slow down, Chu banzhuanren ty2015 Green mountains Wild seed Cabbage on the Internet Av eee123 Jiangxiaopi Don't doubt that you are right Xiao Wei is working hard 123 Milk tea is de iced and sweet Fish that want to fly Cornor Under flying clouds Miximalian1 Shuiyu, aoki Simple fried fish leoczj Dean Niko Shenzhen Specialty Dangdangdang MIB233 Call me Sister Fairy qilingwang111 CW99 It's windy aqdljxl DamenChoi Bucket running Rabbits earn a little money King Mulu Do not eat oil cake leronLU Small Seven Money Keeper Speechless Pipi Pipi Pipi Mon Nali Kill Stupid young 17 Lawrence233 IED24 Germany Semi awake person okokokla EsonWon Wait Closer223 gentle864 My little black boy Yogurt is not iced Hum Bao's Fluffy Ball Amanda813 Foolish Wikki77 Amazon momo Human muddle headed egg A flying fish Just like a floating dust 91wing allblue It's a biscuit yiiiii1 Melons that love life Antarctica 1314 Fortune Pineapple Freshwater goldfish guoguoguoguo Cheese and corn roll NoodleCat Moonlight over the lotus pond Unintelligible 612 hinahina0831 Hehe haha 0829 DALIow Cymbidium does not flower Lishelly Pearl milk tea wood has pearls Waiting for the clockwork of the Ice and Snow Festival Suspected Schrodinger's cat `` mumuyue Hatoyama TaeVVV Spare Ribs and Lotus Root Soup Why did the Prime Minister laugh Good luck will always guard you Zhang Zhiming 123 Cross border knowledge of autumn It's Uncle Leon Winnie Piglets ww zzx343740597 ZWBYLMJ You, you, you want to dance Amz is not so bad Endidebao chanwen555 winwinwin 818Ada KONGBEI Summer Improving Yue Li Yue 77 Tomato and egg 1 Akitoo RanRanRan I will see if I believe Li Shang contacts Chinese cabbage of amz mmtmmt Get drunk Skilled Fisherman in Blue Ocean JZ9291 Dandelion's Promise God of Presence 1 Can't think of a name When false is true, true is false Like baa, like baa, like baa A cool breeze rises at night One million Zz Little Fish loyalaunt Jiang thing zhihui6688 More »

If you ask the forum brother whether to go or not, you will only get one answer: bucket running.
No one needs to be responsible for your future, only you need it.
So you need to ask yourself a few questions:
1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of your current job? Can you tolerate its disadvantages?
2. Are the current difficulties short-term or long-term? Is there any irreconcilable contradiction between you and the company or the boss?
3. You can interview the new company first. Can the new company be better than the current one? At least, does the salary look better?
As a bystander, I can learn very little from your statement. I try to analyze it from my own perspective.
First of all, your boss and the company
1. The boss may not look down on Amazon, but not you. You should be clear about this
2. The boss has been engaged in foreign trade for 30 years, and he clearly focuses on electromechanical products, which shows that he has relatively strong supply chain strength, which is not what most second dealers Amazon can have
3. Judging from the treatment your boss gives you, you are still willing to spend money, which is very important
On the other hand, I will analyze your personal advantages and disadvantages
1. There are only differences but no contradictions between you and the company
2. You actually like this job, but your sense of responsibility and ambition make you feel that you can do better, which is a good thing
3. Leaving at the end of the year will be very bad
4. You have just been employed for two months. Compared with other colleagues who have been working for ten or eight years, your weight must be relatively low, and Amazon's weight is also low
To sum up, my suggestion is to let the bullet fly for a while.
There is no need to rush to decide whether to leave or not. Each company has a different tone. At present, this company just hasn't started to invest in Amazon, rather than being unwilling to invest in Amazon. Compared with most other bad companies, it is much stronger. Moreover, there is still a time for you, the company and the boss to get to know and trust each other. After all, for a traditional foreign trade boss, he used to order only after receiving advance payment, but now it is his own advance payment that may not be returned. The cognitive gap and psychological gap can not be erased overnight, but now that he has recruited you, That means Amazon is still on the agenda, so don't worry. The boss is not a god, and needs time to buffer.
You can set a time limit for yourself. For example, if the company has not started to invest in Amazon seriously before March next year, you can take advantage of the busy spring recruitment season to invest in resumes and change companies. After all, the golden career period is not waiting for people.

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