Co selling is compliant, and S orders are not compliant. Why not follow selling with ease, instead of laborious S orders?

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As a seller who has been sold with others, I hate to do it, but a new colleague mentioned a problem: since it is allowed by Amazon, it is beneficial for buyers to get better and more affordable products, and it is not allowed by Amazon's rules that you take the trouble to evaluate the same products. In theory, it is detrimental to the interests of buyers, Why don't you follow the sales with less effort, instead of building your own listing and laborious S list?
I stressed to him that co selling is immoral to the seller. He said that your customer is a buyer rather than a seller, so why is it immoral? I didn't know how to refute him at the moment. What's your opinion?
Please discuss this issue rationally and don't make personal attacks. I haven't done co selling and my colleague hasn't done Amazon operation directly. He should not do Amazon operation in the future. For example, those who ask me to rob his girlfriend, I am the same gender as his girlfriend, which is not appropriate. I raised this question purely because I, as a talent, didn't win, If you are unwilling to ask questions, please have a rational discussion, a rational discussion, a rational discussion...
Co selling=robber/thief Amazon is compliant because he is pure and cheap. At the beginning, this drug production was just for his own convenience, but now it is more toxic to our Chinese sellers.
I also asked why it was immoral. Instead, I would go straight up with a big mouth and say, "Is it OK for me to use your wife to give birth to a baby for me? Anyway, it's your wife who gave birth to a baby for me, not you."

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