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How to analyze the advertising performance of links? It needs to help it through advertising according to the nutrients or conditions required by products in different periods

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Since the beginning of this year, Amazon has become more and more compliant. Many black technologies and illegal operations have been strictly restricted. This makes Amazon sellers urgently need to change to a more compliant operating model. This is inseparable from one topic, Amazon's online advertising. Today, we will discuss how to analyze the advertising performance of a link.
I think we must have our own analysis framework to analyze advertisements, so that every time we analyze advertisement reports, we will have a clear goal and get twice the result with half the effort. Today, I will talk about how I analyze advertising. I just analyze the idea of advertising. The adjustment strategy is too extensive and there are too many methodologies.

Generally, I will analyze the advertisement according to the different stages of the product, so it can be divided into new product periods, that is, the first 1-2 months of the launch promotion; In the potential period, there is a certain amount of single products, and the product performance is excellent, but the flow has encountered bottlenecks; In the rising period, the inherent single quantity is broken through, and the single quantity tends to rise; During the stable period, the traffic and single volume tend to be stable, ranking is stable, and fluctuation is small

According to these different stages, we will analyze advertising. We need to help it through advertising according to the nutrients or conditions required by products in different periods.


The first is the new product period, during which the two nutrients most needed by the product are: 1. flow, 2. click through rate. So we have the key points to analyze. It is clear to analyze the advertising performance of the product according to these two points.

1. Traffic: whether the exposure is sufficient (can be judged according to the CPC data of competitors of similar new products); if not, analyze whether the advertising budget is sufficient; If the budget cannot run out, analyze whether the bidding is too low, and if there is still little increase in the bidding exposure, it indicates that there is a problem with the product keywords. The system cannot match more words for the product to expose the product. We need to conduct keyword research again to adjust the listing keywords. If the exposure is enough, go to the next point for analysis;
2. Click through rate: In the new product stage, we don't need to perform well in advertising, so ACOS and conversion rate are not the key points. The key point is whether the product is still attractive under the condition of zero comments, but click through rate. Generally, if the click through rate of an advertisement is higher than 1%, it will be regarded as qualified (except for special categories), and the click through rate of a new product stage will be relatively low. I generally set the qualified line for the click through rate of a new product advertisement at more than 0.5%. If it is lower than this line, it will be regarded as poor, whether it is automatic advertising or precision advertising.


If the product has a certain amount of orders, and the data performance is excellent, but the flow does not go up, I call this situation the potential period. At this stage, the nutrient needed by the product is the link weight to promote the ranking and increase the exposure. It is clear that the nutrients required by the product at this stage are higher than the average click through rate and conversion rate. At this stage, we no longer need a bunch of extensive traffic exposure. What we need is accurate exposure to improve the click rate and conversion rate, so as to improve the link weight. Then it is clear to analyze the advertising report according to these two points.


After the potential period, the single traffic volume has broken through and tends to rise. At this time, our links need to become hot. We need to take on this new traffic and continue to increase link exposure to stabilize the ranking. Therefore, the traffic and conversion rate at this stage are the focus of our analysis. Analyze the report around these two points, and then make adjustments to better play the function of advertising.


Link ranking is stable, and single volume traffic is beginning to stabilize, reaching our goal. At this time, our focus is no longer to improve the weight and traffic of links through advertising, but to stabilize the ranking and get more profits at the same time. It is clear that only ACOS is relevant to profits. The analysis focuses on whether ACOS is reasonable and meets the profit range we need.

That's all for today. I hope it can help you! The year 2021 will soon pass. I wish you all a great success!
I feel that what everyone said is reasonable, but when it's my turn to do it, I feel that nothing is right, nothing is right, it's too difficult

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