Category: Amazon Circle: Amazon Review Amazon

The latest Amazon manual evaluation method (without software) (reprinted Zhihu)

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Amazon prevents sellers from finding the history of bad reviews:

1、 In October 2016, Amazon encrypted the buyer ID the day before yesterday. You can't get the buyer ID by clicking directly

2、 In September 2017, the Buyer ID disappeared from the comment interface and was moved to the buyer's personal profile page.

3、 In October 2017, the method of finding the Order ID by matching the Buyer ID in the seller's background failed, and the Order ID could not be found.

The brother-in-law's series of behaviors are aimed at blocking the contact information between the seller and the buyer, so that the seller can not remove and modify the bad comments by contacting the buyer. This move has made countless Amazon sellers suddenly helpless. Failure to remove the bad comments means that the sales volume is greatly reduced, the ranking is reduced, and so on

The latest method of manually searching Amazon's bad reviews

After analysis and exploration, Chen Chen found that there is still a way to match the Order ID manually, but the efficiency has declined. Since many sellers are looking for manual methods, although Chen Chen has tried AMZFinder (synchronize all historical orders), Selling express (synchronization of half year orders) and 9 Orange (synchronization of half year orders) are used to automatically solve this problem, but it is still necessary to introduce manual methods to everyone.

For the comparison of the above software, please refer to the history article of my Zhihu column

What if Amazon hides the buyer ID? Use these four tools to quickly get rid of bad reviews

Step 1: Get the Buyer ID

As before, you can access the buyer's personal page through the comment page and find the buyer ID through the hyperlink address of the avatar
10.17 Add that a friend left a message saying that he could not find the buyer id, which is actually to copy the avatar address, and then there is the buyer id in the string of codes in the avatar address


Step 2: Sort out and collect all the Buyer IDs that need to be contacted

According to the method in step 1, collect all the bad comment buyer IDs into the same list for use.

Step 3: Enter the seller's background and open all order details pages

 Manual difference finding and evaluation method 1.jpg

Step 4: Match the Order ID with the Buyer ID

On the opened order detail page, check the element (shortcut key F12), and then search (shortcut key Ctrl+F) buyerId. Paste the collected Buyer ID. If the same Buyer ID can be matched and highlighted, the Order ID is next to it.

 Manual evaluation method 2.jpg

The above steps are the manual matching steps. Although it is still possible to match orders manually, the current workload has greatly increased. In addition, the disadvantage of manual matching is that it is impossible to ensure that all orders can be found, and there may be errors and omissions. Moreover, for sellers with large orders, it may not be too expensive to hire people to find bad comments. The most important thing is that the historical bad comments are not easy to handle. Many orders have bad comments for more than half a year or more. It is too difficult to find manually, and it is also easy to miss. We must find tools to solve it.

Chen Chen has tried many solutions, including the use of third-party scripts, third-party free tools, and third-party paid tools that are ultimately used. To sum up, scripts and free tools are browser based methods, or they are very intelligent, rely on manual identification and screening, and are very unstable, When a page is closed accidentally, the record cannot be found. At the same time, you are worried about the security of the data. After trying out the foreign poor comment processing software, I suddenly felt that I had a lot of time to pick up the stool. However, for sellers with few orders at present, there is no bad comment to deal with, so it doesn't matter so much. Manual can also solve this problem.

Finally, I hope everyone can successfully solve all the problems of poor reviews, and the products are selling well.
I can share the latest method of finding bad comments to everyone, and it is effective! It is very safe without binding the authorized store.
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