The same category was all tampered with by VC overnight, with more than 40 links. Why do Chinese always engage in Chinese

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10.16 The first link of my category changed into a dog again, and was complained of by people for authenticity. When I recovered, I changed into a dog. This guy became angry with embarrassment. From 10:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. in October 17, I used my VC to sell hundreds of links of the same type c, and after tampering with the product image, I complained about intellectual property infringement, As a result, in a short period of time, there were as many as 10 or 20 links of top100 off the shelf, and the means were extremely poor.

One month ago, the Putian seller followed our category. After being put on the shelves with the method of hybrid zombies, he made a 1k+comment. The price was 1/4 higher than the market price plus the purchase of promotion impact category. The daily advertising cost of single chain exceeded 2k dollars, which turned the category upside down. The advertising cost directly soared from about 3 dollars in August to 7 dollars now, which still cannot get the home page, Many sellers wailed. At the beginning, some sellers attacked their links. After repeated negative reviews, complaints, forbidden words and other operations, they even attacked all the same links crazily.

If it is simply charged with advertising fees, I think no one will touch its link, use zombies, gift cards, hundreds of vps a month on the shelf, and buy at zero yuan outside the station to destroy an entire category, maliciously attack other innocent sellers, arouse the anger of all sellers, and will certainly usher in fierce retaliation from the entire category of sellers! More unrighteousness than suicide!
Personal opinion: How others operate has nothing to do with anyone, and people don't get to this position by spoofing others! Some businessmen are jealous and go to trick people. There is no way for them to find out who did it. They can only start from scratch with everyone. The real rat shit is the person who provokes trouble and makes fun of others! Amazon has many black technologies in its own operation, which are inferior to others and engage others. This is too much. The law of the jungle is the survival of the fittest. This is the market! The Eight Immortals cross the sea to show their respective abilities, and do their own business quietly. Don't be a puppet army

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