Category: Amazon Circle: Amazon Review Amazon

No matter how hard your brother-in-law works, the gods will find a way to find Amazon's bad reviews

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In just a few months, Amazon's system has been upgraded again, and the method used to manually find the profile ID of Amazon's bad comment buyers can no longer be used. As a technology company, Amazon has indeed made rapid progress. However, no matter how hard her brother-in-law works, the gods can find a solution. Let's take a look at the latest decryption of the buyer's profile ID in September.

We can definitely tell you that the Amazon system has been upgraded and blocked the buyer ID, but we still have a way to quickly find the Reviewer Profile ID. At present, I will introduce two ways to find Amazon's buyer ID

The first method: (This method has failed at present and can be found by the second method)

First, you need to find the review of the buyer ID who left a negative comment and find the buyer's name

Then click the mouse to enter the buyer's home page, place the cursor on the buyer's portrait, and right-click the review element

After clicking the review element, a shaded part will appear on the page, vvatar/default/A1L23**_YFDJZM?/square, A1L23 * * _YFDJZM in the shaded area is the Reviewer Profile ID you are looking for.  


Since Amazon has encrypted the web page, the above method has failed. You can search it according to the following method

Automatically find Amazon's negative comment order number through the Review client

First, you need to download the Review client,

You can select the review stars you want to search, for example, you can search for stars below three stars, or you can select to search for all reviews below five stars

Then import ASIN, of course, you can also choose to load ASIN, click Search Review, and the software will automatically start to search for review. After testing, when the network condition is good, it is basically 2-3 seconds to search for one, and the speed is quite good. During the search process, there will be a progress bar, and when the progress bar reaches 100%, it means that all the search is completed



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Approval from: lanceqin KateShi Holly008 Hey, hey, hey BananaQ

There always are measures to against the policies.
In fact, all the bad comments I sent were rarely replied to. Occasionally, those who replied to me gave the product a free gift, but no reply came back. The bad comments were still bad. What's more, I felt that I had been cheated by another product and left.

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