There are dozens of new product reviews, ranking top, and thousands of new product reviews. How can we keep it steady

Post twice Top 0 times Recommended 0 times Quality points 0 stars 33 post reply interactions Historical exchange heat 5% Historical communication depth 0%
Recently, I made a small category. I added some new competitors and dozens of comments on new products, which steadily reached the top three, but still can be stabilized. What can I do to analyze how the competitors do it and how to deal with it?
The information given is too little to analyze.
1. Is there any activity discount outside the station?
Many sellers' new products will be promoted at large discounts outside the station at the same time to stabilize the ranking
2. What is the number of comments from the top 10 of your category? Is the product competitive in terms of listing and price?
For example, for a product I have worked on before, there is no evaluation. A few orders come out every day, and within half a month, it will reach the top 10. After a month or two, it will become stable in the top 5. It is purely based on the optimization of product pages and website advertising. Compared with the competing products, it has changed the color and material, and made a different match. At that time, there were 1000 or 2000 comments from the top few. Therefore, if the product is good, it can be promoted only by regular operation outside the station.
3. What is the advertising ranking of the other party?
Look at whether this product is available on other competing product pages of BS. What is the ranking of natural keywords and advertising keywords of this product? We can see the advertising intensity of this product,
4. Use keepa to check historical data
The owner gave too little information to analyze, that's all

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