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Deep Analysis of Amazon Advertising Bidding Principle

In Amazon's extensive marketing ecology, mastering the principle of advertising bidding can not only help sellers allocate advertising budgets more efficiently, but also occupy a favorable position in the fierce market competition. This article will discuss in depth the details of Amazon's advertising auction principle, including the cumulative weight of keywords

2024-04-22 12:04 nine hundred and fifty-six comment

Amazon map search function: 99% of the operations do not know this

Hey, everybody! Today, I want to talk about a cool thing - Amazon's image search function! Many people don't know this little secret hidden by Amazon, but it is very useful for us Amazon sellers. First of all, you've heard about social media

2024-04-18 15:48 1.8K comment

Why is Amazon Listing disabled

On Amazon, it is not uncommon for the listing of sellers' products to be banned, especially for new sellers or sellers who operate multiple commodities. However, this disabled state can be lifted. Next, I will explain in detail why Listing

2024-04-15 10:49 eight hundred and ninety-five comment

Amazon variants are particularly strict in violation of regulations. Some sellers have their own websites

Recently, from April, Amazon began to vigorously investigate and deal with variant violations. After Amazon severely cracked down on variant violations, I saw that many sellers were blocked. It is said that the variant scanning continues this time, and the sellers who have serious violations or repeated violations are basically hopeless. The opportunity to appeal

2024-04-10 17:28 2.64K comment

Amazon variant violation storm, the seller's entire site was blocked!

Hey, old irons, Amazon has recently launched a major campaign to crack down on variant violations! Since April, they have stepped up their efforts, and some sellers have been closed by scanning the number of the whole site, which is "horrible". I heard that the reason given by Amazon is that some ASIs created by sellers

2024-04-09 16:25 2.17K comment

My Amazon new product promotion experience sharing

Hey, everyone, today I'd like to share some of my experience and strategies in pushing new products on Amazon. Amazon's new products cannot use coupons, so how to effectively promote them? I will tell you step by step. First, suppose I have 500 inventories

2024-04-07 17:21 2.66K comment

Amazon variant merge and seed link: circumvent violations, promote

In recent years, Amazon has been strengthening the supervision of sellers' behavior on the platform, especially the management of variant products. It is very important for sellers to correctly merge variants and manage seed links, otherwise they may face the risk of violation. Ben

2024-04-02 14:20 2.64K comment

The launch of Amazon's latest display page and the future of e-commerce

In today's fast developing digital era, e-commerce giant Amazon has once again led a wave of innovation and launched its latest display page. This change not only marks Amazon's progress in technology and services, but also indicates the future of e-commerce industry

2024-04-01 17:34 five hundred and seventy-six comment

How do Amazon sellers check product return rate?

Hey, everybody! Today, I want to talk with you about a super important problem in the seller's operation - return! Yes, return is not just a small problem. In addition to increasing sales costs, it may also have a negative impact on the overall performance of the store. ...

2024-04-01 16:46 nine hundred and twenty-three comment

The pricing strategy of new products under the new Amazon coupon rules is revealed

Hey, everyone, Amazon has recently released new rules and updated the setting rules for Coupon. Now, the old tricks of randomly setting up coupons and randomly bidding up coupons will not work! However, this new rule also gives a lot of

2024-03-25 16:25 eight hundred and fifty-nine comment

Amazon Sweep! The seller is crying in the toilet, and the account is not

Hey, listen to me, I have received a super heavy message! Amazon recently made a big account scan and disabled hundreds of accounts! On March 20, Amazon North America started their spring sales promotion. The bank predicted that this time

2024-03-22 16:58 1.11K comment

Amazon! Many sellers have been blocked

Alas, Amazon is really jittery recently! It's said that many sellers were found in a mess and their accounts were sealed! This makes me, a seller, start to sweat. If I suffer from this, I will be miserable. You know, Amazon is right about that

2024-03-19 17:09 six hundred and twenty-five comment

Amazon's new advertising functions shine brightly, saying goodbye to squatting adjustment

Oh, have you heard? Amazon advertising has a new move! Now, sellers no longer need to squat in front of the computer like ants and constantly adjust advertising bidding and budget! This is really great! The purpose of our advertising is to attract more people to pay attention to us

2024-03-06 16:23 two hundred and thirty-eight comment

Amazon A10 algorithm: secret of improving ranking and doubling sales volume

On Amazon, the world's largest e-commerce platform, A10 algorithm is the mysterious power that controls product ranking. For every Amazon seller, a deep understanding of the working principle of A10 algorithm and its influencing factors is the key to achieving sales growth and market advantage. A...

2024-03-05 15:12 three hundred and thirty-eight comment

Amazon sales trend in 2024: sellers' attention

Let's take a closer look at e-commerce trends in 2024 and list some best practices for Amazon sellers to make full use of this year Micro brand and niche market We have not only fully described the huge competitive pressure faced by Amazon. As a platform, Asia

2024-01-30 11:16 two hundred and sixteen comment

Compile an effective Amazon store complaint letter: a comprehensive reference to

On Amazon's e-commerce platform, it is vital to abide by rules and maintain high standards. However, even the most cautious sellers may sometimes face store suspension. In this case, a carefully prepared letter of appeal may be the key to your resumption of store operations. ...

2024-01-24 17:31 two hundred and sixty-five comment

Explore the magic of AI mapping: Amazon sellers' new partners

hello everyone! Today I want to take you to explore some great AI mapping websites, which are new favorites of Amazon sellers! Let's see how to easily become a master of product display! First is Artguru AI This website is like

2024-01-22 18:09 two hundred and forty-seven comment

Amazon logistics seller declassified! New inventory plan indicators help you

Hello everyone, I have a super important news to share with you recently! Amazon recently launched a new supply chain index, called "minimum inventory level", to help sellers on Amazon's logistics (FBA) platform avoid those costs in 2024

2024-01-11 16:55 seven hundred and forty-five comment

Get Amazon Listing done and get twice the result with half the effort

Hey, Amazon friends, today let's talk about the mysterious guy who makes sales get twice the result with half the effort - Listing! Yes, it is the one that has been settled, and the business has gone smoothly; It can't be fixed. How to optimize it is not smart. 1:Li...

2023-12-29 10:43 one hundred and forty-four comment

Amazon's Small Claims Reveal: From Claim to Trial

Hey, everybody! Today, I want to talk with you about a topic that seems to be out of reach, but actually has a method - how to sue Amazon in the small claims court! Don't worry, I will tell you what to do step by step, so that you can easily cope with all this. First of all, we all know that Ya

2023-12-13 11:05 three hundred and forty-two comment

Amazon! The latest 3D model is online, and sellers must see

Hey hey, dear sellers, I have a super burning news to tell you! Listen, from December 14, 2023, Amazon announced a big move - 360 degree picture abdication, ushering in the era of 3D models! Don't worry, don't worry

2023-12-08 17:19 1.09K comment

Shocked! Amazon 2024 New Deal is coming, I don't understand the 30

Shocked! Amazon's 2024 new policy is coming. It's useless to understand the 3000 word policy! " Hey, sellers! Guess what? Amazon has made a big move, and the new FBA fees and commissions in 2024 are coming on the scene

2023-12-07 16:51 seven hundred and sixty-seven comment

[Exclusive] Amazon's new functions are upgraded crazily! Christmas products

[Exclusive] Amazon's new functions are upgraded crazily! Secret weapon behind Christmas product carnival! Hey, dear friends! It's time to share some exciting news with you! How did Amazon perform in the new round of promotion carnival? Don't worry, I will give you

2023-12-05 18:03 one hundred and thirty-five comment

Three killer maces for new product promotion can help you easily create small blockbusters!

Hello everyone, today I want to share with you some sharp tools in promoting new products. These three sets of play methods are summarized by me after many practices. I believe they will be of great help to your new product promotion! Measurement link: four key data points cannot be missing! Promoting new

2023-11-21 17:28 three hundred and seventy-seven comment

Amazon no longer accepts self-employed enterprises! Don't worry, we tell you why

Hey, dear sellers! Today we are going to bring a hot news. You must listen to the important notice about Amazon! Notice content: Amazon officially announced that it would no longer accept the application for registration of self-employed businesses worldwide, and directly rejected it in the first instance! This means

2023-11-10 09:31 two hundred and eighty comment

New policies for cross-border e-commerce in Europe! Spain EPR Compliance Countdown

Hi, friends of sellers, today we are going to talk about an urgent news about cross-border e-commerce in Europe, especially the interests of sellers! With the continuous updating of global policies and regulations, Amazon and other e-commerce platforms have also begun to put pressure on sellers to be more compliant to ensure smooth progress

2023-10-31 10:09 three hundred and fifty-five comment

Vigorous recovery journey: regain Amazon seller's account

Hi, dear seller partners! how are you? The termination of Amazon seller's account may make you feel a bit collapsed, but don't worry, we are here to help you! Today, we will share some tips on how to reactivate your Amazon seller account in a dynamic way

2023-10-08 15:41 seventy-four comment

How to use Amazon A+content to improve brand awareness?

Are you tired of trying to create transferable Amazon A+content? Look elsewhere! We will provide all the information you need in this comprehensive guide. We've covered everything from the latest trends and best practices to practical tips and examples. Whether you are new

2023-09-18 16:57 one hundred and forty-two comment

How to optimize Amazon advertising to get more traffic and sales?

Do you need help to make your Amazon ads achieve the effect you want? You are not alone. Since thousands of sellers are competing for the same customer, it may take time to stand out and achieve sales. But don't be afraid! This detailed guide will explain how to optimize Yama

2023-09-15 18:00 two hundred and sixty-eight comment

Audiophile mania: the ultimate marketing guide to win the 3C headset market

Introduction: In the current wave of digital technology, the 3C headset market has become a sea of blood, with fierce competition. How to stand out in this market, quickly increase the search volume, click volume and sales volume of the brand, and achieve a leap in ranking? This article will introduce a series of comprehensive

2023-08-17 11:41 two hundred and twenty-four comment

About cross-border e-commerce Amazon

Public account: cross-border video cici, first-hand external model video shooting, influencer buyer show video, unpacking video, main picture video

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