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Summary of Amazon members' daily review

More than a week has passed since Amazon Member Day. There are still a lot of people here when the single volume turns to 2-5 times of the usual; However, the number of sellers that have doubled to dozens of times this year is much less. Today, we will review the overall situation of the membership day, the advantages and disadvantages of the sellers on the membership day, and the membership day

2023-07-21 09:54 six hundred and forty-six comment

Essence: The most complete graphic tutorial of Amazon brand customized promotion

On September 2, 2023 (Saturday), the Migration Palace held the Amazon Thousand People Conference in Shenzhen, where we shared the content of Amazon super dry goods. See the following article for details: Heavyweight! Registration for the offline thousand people summit of the Palace of Migration begins (The following is

2023-07-17 13:48 seven hundred and six comment

Did you sell out in the first half of Amazon membership day?

Here she comes, and the annual membership day that everyone is looking forward to finally comes! Since 3:00 pm yesterday, Amazon US Station has been covered with red Prime day deal logo. Compared with the light blue logo of last year's membership day, it seems that

2023-07-12 11:38 three hundred and sixty-eight comment

How to adjust the best effect of Prime day advertisement

Amazon Member Day will start tomorrow. I wrote an article about how Amazon Member Day can operate the order explosion. You can see how to control the pace to achieve the order explosion. Today we are going to talk about how to play link advertisements at different stages, See which level you belong to

2023-07-10 09:30 three hundred and nine comment

How to operate an order on Amazon Member Day

Amazon Prime Membership Day 2023 will be held globally from July 11 to 12. I believe that most Amazon sellers have already known this news. With fingers pinched, this year is the 9th Member Day. I am from the 3rd

2023-07-05 09:51 five hundred and fourteen comment

How to put the advertisement in the best position?

We all have different advertising purposes, and we will go to whichever advertising position can best achieve our advertising purpose. How to select the best advertising according to the advertising purpose You can view the article: Essence: How to choose the best advertisement according to different advertising purposes

2023-06-30 09:58 eight hundred and forty-four comment

Heavyweight: Amazon's AC logo has completely disappeared, and new tags appear in the air

Have you found that many categories of Amazon's AC tags have disappeared in the past two days. Instead: Overall pick logo! If we search for any product, we can see an Overall pick

2023-06-28 09:35 four hundred and ninety-seven comment

Essence: How to effectively build an advertising framework for different customer products

Part 1 Advertising ideas in different life cycles The customer acquisition cost and sales volume of links are different from the initial stage to the growth stage and then to the mature stage and the recession stage.   Customer acquisition cost. In the initial stage, the link has no advantage, and the cost of getting customers is extremely high. With the rapid growth of success

2023-06-26 09:39 eight hundred and ninety-nine comment

Heavyweight! Amazon's SBV advertising can reach the top of the home page!

The SBV advertisement has a new advertising position, which can directly reach the top of the home page. Do you know that? Laotie, who often runs SBV advertisements, must have been familiar with the advertising space of SBV advertisements: SBV - Search Results Inline Location: SBV - Search Results Bottom

2023-06-21 10:02 nine hundred and eighty comment

How can we improve the profit if there are orders but no profit?

Many sellers will fall into a strange circle and have a single product, but the profit is very small. Today we will talk about several dimensions that affect profits, how to control unnecessary costs, From selling price, promotion discount, purchase cost, first journey freight commission, delivery fee, return rate, etc

2023-06-19 09:44 three hundred and fourteen comment

Summarize the top 10 reasons for failure in pushing products. Have you been shot?

1. Selection development When selecting goods, we chose big currency. Although the market and profit were good when measuring the payment, the market rolled in when the big goods were delivered, and the price war did not fall. Finally, the goods were cleared and withdrawn. --Selection development must be differentiated, otherwise it is easy to be copied, leading to price war

2023-06-17 17:22 four hundred and six comment

The latest practical updating listing tutorial in 2023

Here comes the most interesting link renovation tutorial, Don't you want to learn?     Part 1 Renovation listing principle   First, we need to understand one principle: one ASIN can correspond to multiple SKUs

2023-06-14 10:01 3.45K comment

Analysis of the playing process of doubling the single quantity in one month

Have you ever encountered the bottleneck of single volume growth? How do you analyze the causes and take measures? What is the cause. It is insufficient advertising investment that leads to too little traffic and too low ranking of keywords, Or is the conversion rate too low? Or I would like to share with you today

2023-06-12 11:35 three hundred and twenty-five comment

Amazon Member Exclusive Discount Tips

I am going to write a series of articles to improve the single volume skills recently. Three articles have been written as follows: You certainly don't know the promotion method to increase the conversion rate by 1.8 times Tips for efficient use of Amazon Coupon How social media promotions

2023-06-02 10:51 1.01K comment

How to maximize the effect of controlling details in social media promotion

I am going to write a series of articles to improve the single volume skills recently. Two articles have been written as follows: You certainly don't know the promotion method to increase the conversion rate by 1.8 times Tips for efficient use of Amazon Coupon Let's continue to talk about the promotion list

2023-05-31 11:10 four hundred and seventy-eight comment

Tips for efficient use of Amazon Coupon

I am going to write a series of articles to improve the skills of single quantity recently. The first part is: You certainly don't know the promotion method to increase the conversion rate by 1.8 times   Write the second article today. I will give you a detailed explanation of the efficient use of Coupon, so that you can set up an excellent

2023-05-29 14:47 six hundred and ninety-three comment

The promotion method to increase the conversion rate by 1.8 times, you must not

From today on, I will introduce a series of methods to improve the single quantity. In addition, I will tell you some details of the setup techniques, so that you can set the promotion to maximize the effect. Let's start today with the province of ordering. Maybe some people know, some people don't. But

2023-05-26 09:57 three hundred and seventy-six comment

What are the reasons for high ACOS? How to

ACOS is one of the important indicators of the quality of our advertising, which measures the input-output ratio of our advertising. In our advertising architecture, there are always some advertisements with low ACOS and some with ordinary ACOS, Some ACOS is very high

2023-05-24 15:39 four hundred and forty-two comment

Amazon off-site promotion, this is the best way!

Amazon off-site promotion is a series of operations outside the Amazon site, in addition to the CPC ads and seckill on the Amazon site. For example, our common social media promotions, Facebook groups, Deal stations, and KOL promotions are all counted. We will give the big

2023-05-19 11:17 three hundred and forty-six comment

Orders continue to decline? It is most effective to optimize and adjust from these dimensions

Some sellers found that their orders were declining, and they didn't know what caused it. Today, we will summarize the analysis of the reasons for the decrease of the order quantity and adjust the direction, hoping to give you some help. 01 Category ranking change When our orders continue to decline

2023-05-17 10:51 three hundred and seventy-three comment

How to quickly test the success of Amazon's new products

If you choose a product and send thousands of sets of goods directly, the risk will be great. Many uncontrollable factors may lead to the failure of pushing products, and the loss caused by a large amount of inventory will be great. Amazon operations know that measurement is very important. We often say that when the money is measured

2023-05-15 10:46 three hundred and forty-five comment

Super dry goods: correct judgment criteria and optimal optimization of advertising

Recently, I found that there are three obvious mistakes in many small partners' adjustment advertisements. There are problems with the criteria for judging advertising, advertising optimization cycle and adjustment efforts, and the analysis of advertising reports is not thorough enough. Today, let's talk about this topic, let's

2023-05-12 10:00 three hundred and eighty comment

Surprise! Amazon's advertising rules have changed, how to avoid AC

Many sellers have recently reported that the search terms of Amazon SP ads' Broad have changed. Now there will be some irrelevant search words without roots, and the meaning of the words will become wider and wider. And I also feedback that it was good before it was widely used, but recently

2023-05-10 10:40 three hundred and forty-four comment

Several important details of Amazon's new products

As an Amazon operation, there are only two ways to achieve performance growth: On the one hand, we can try to increase the number of existing links through advertising and promotion, but when the number of links reaches a certain level, it will stabilize and reach the ceiling. On the other hand, it is constantly on the new chain

2023-05-05 10:05 seven hundred and seventy-four comment

How to judge whether half dead old links are worth smashing resources

Three conditions need to be met at the same time to push successfully: --Good product Any e-commerce platform is the king of products. The product is easy to operate. If the product is not good, the operation will be exhausted. The product is not only of good quality, but also of large market capacity and difficulty in promotion

2023-04-28 14:00 five hundred and forty-one comment

Essence: Efficient strategies to reach the expected position

Putting ads in the expected advertising position is a matter of concern for Amazon's operations, and also a thorny matter. Today, we share some tips to help you better control advertising space. 01 Advertising space for commodity promotion Product promotion advertisement

2023-04-21 09:40 five hundred and thirteen comment

Have you seen any profitable links with advertising orders accounting for 78%

In our understanding, the higher the proportion of advertising orders, the more likely the link will lose money. However, at the end of last month, an old iron company showed me a product. Its advertising orders accounted for 78% of the total, and the daily average number of orders was more than 30, which still made some profit. I was shocked! ...

2023-04-19 09:38 three hundred and thirty-seven comment

Amazingly, Amazon's official data is not accurate. How can I

It's really a troubled time! Doing Amazon is really not a relief! You said, Amazon is such a big company. The market value is the top three in the world, and it is also a fucking cloud computing company, Every day, it's either this problem or that problem. A lot of bugs. ...

2023-04-17 09:23 two hundred and seven comment

Practical operation is effective! Summary of methods of the most completely modified category node of Amazon

Since the beginning of March, many Amazon sellers' product nodes have been changed to incorrect nodes. Some products have even been repeatedly changed, which makes the seller very upset. The root cause of Amazon's rectification of this node is that many sellers upload products to avoid some category reviews

2023-04-12 11:01 1.37K comment

[Amazon] The link from 0 to 60 orders in one month is

In the process of selecting products or researching competitive products, many Amazon operators often see that some links will perform very well when they are put on the shelves. It's amazing how good they are! You will always be curious about how these links are implemented and whether we can follow suit. Today, we will give

2023-04-10 11:22 five hundred and twenty-six comment

Cross border Migration Palace

With 5 years of Amazon experience, he is good at selecting, promoting and advertising products, is proficient in the creation and management of cross-border e-commerce teams, and insists on original sharing of cross-border e-commerce practical skills and thinking improvement.

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Total number of articles published two hundred and forty-four

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