Icy floating head

"Online chat guide (fake)" Don't ask if it is here!!

#Setting Tag is a good habit Writing confusion and emotional negative warning

 Icy floating head

"Notes" Git deployed to FTP

#Setting Tag is a good habit 2023-11-11: I haven't used this since I changed to sftp, and VSCode+Remote SSH is also very useful

 Icy floating head

Notes msysGit installation and use

#Setting Tag is a good habit Download the installation package. To use Git in Windows, you need to install msysGit: https://gitforwindows.org/ ~~MsysGit has its own UI interface to meet the basic use needs, or use TortoiseGit or GitHub on its basis

 Icy floating head

VSCode Notes Git: Host key verification failed

#Setting Tag is a good habit Always use the tool TortoiseGit to operate Git. However, when VSCode built-in support is provided, it is not beautiful to switch windows.. Today, I finally tried to submit and push with VSCode for the first time, but I got an error message: Git: Host key verification failed may also be in this form Warning:

 Icy floating head

Some records of "Toss" Docker when deploying Gitea

#Setting Tag is a good habit Use Docker to deploy Gitea service, use the specified http and ssh port mapping, and ignore https

 Icy floating head

Shortcut input of "toss" git and docker commands

#Setting Tag is a good habit Originally, I wanted to toss around the "WSL2+Docker installation tower panel", but many commands need to be input frequently, so I decided to get a quick input first

 Icy floating head

Git_Notes git remote command

#Setting Tag is a good habit It is often necessary to clone the original project to view it, and then find that some modifications are needed. Fork needs to send the next copy to its own account, so it is necessary to modify the remote warehouse address again; The commands involved are: git remote

 Icy floating head

Research on "Triumph" Git Submodule

#Setting Tag is a good habit Indeed, Hexo Hugo claims to be fast, but the documentation is too imperfect, so he chose Hexo

 Icy floating head

"Triumph" uses Gosource to generate dynamic video for Git warehouse

#Setting Tag is a good habit A tool acaudwell/Source was found, which can generate dynamic videos based on the submission records of version control systems such as Git; In 2021, I started to use Markdown files to write blogs and tried to generate videos; 「wdssmq/Markdown-To-Z-Blog」...

 Icy floating head

"Small goals" earn 1 yuan per article/Git Repository on average

#Setting Tag is a good habit This is not something that the introduction seems to have nothing special to say, such as the title; It seems that "Ru Ti" is also a civilization, and gradually no one uses it

 Icy floating head

List List of some Git items

#Setting Tag is a good habit I found that I really prefer to write the functions I need, and then I can share them with you

 Icy floating head

"Git_Notes" HEAD detached from xxxx problem solving

#Setting Tag is a good habit I haven't written a complicated Z-BlogPHP plug-in for a long time. I need to refer to my other projects in the middle. I have changed some formats of the plug-in and added a new method. However, an error occurred during the git submission

 Icy floating head

Git_Notes Git Tag Operation Summary

#Setting Tag is a good habit Daily entanglement: The content of this article is based on the summary of the data that needs to be searched, so where is more suitable for temporary existence during the process.jpg This time it is in github's issues, and I have learned about a VSCode based [[FoamNote]] plug-in before, but it is not convenient

 Icy floating head

[Triumph] Solution to two error prompts

#Setting Tag is a good habit So reinstalling the system is the most troublesome----------------------- Warning: could not find/tmp, please create... Error prompt 2: WARN in

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Wdssmq/blog astro: a static blog based on Astro;

Essentially, when faced with a code problem, we need another person who is willing to devote energy to your problem and has the corresponding technical knowledge..

Next, it seems that the replacement of Resilio Sync with Synything is also a slightly larger project.. Orz

GoodSync gave away a one-year license last year, and then it actually used it; I was thinking about changing Synything when it was due, but the last few days I gave a reminder that I spent ¥ 381 to renew Orz for three years. There are still some differences between their positioning and posture.. Earlier, Resilio Sync and BCompare were used, but the former occupied too much memory, and the latter was not automatically synchronized..

2024, let's back up the Duet archive..

... An unknown niche style library+inline style hybrid writing is indeed a bit groovy, but it is absolutely positive that "learning has begun" and can continue..

After reading a lot of questions in the post bar, there is an illusion that many people have registered a post bar specifically to ask a question, and the question itself may or may not be answered effectively (related to the point of question and the specific posture). However, in any case, after that, there will be no more than after cancelling the account, as if you never have to learn the corresponding things..

Devil Doll

-They are studying whether you are a real adult or a child pretending to be an adult

-I've studied it for a long time myself

In Lego DC, (basically the Batman family, the youngest one will become the same no matter who feels the design --

So, just like Sister Xianglin, I need to "sign in" my emotional feelings every day, but there is no need for me to sign in like this

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